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 Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th)

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Florkin Marc
Timo Vermeersch
Steve Parker
Philippe Martinelli
Petr Hlavac
Gianluca Desposito
Didier Conjeaud
Yves Plaçais
Mathieu Leclerc
Lee Simpson
Jacob Fredriksson
Cláudio Augusto
Alberto Ibañez
Mike Becnel
Gérard Ryon
Pascal Le pihive
Raul Jereb
Richard Coxon
Jason White
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th)   Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 6 Oct 2015 - 19:53

Raul Jereb wrote:
@  all of you full of apologies (including myself too often)

Im starting to be bored to myself.

Organised - unofficial - non mandatory - test races!!! Every evening from xx.xx hrs to yy.yy hrs. Including aliens. Racing against rookies, amateurs and enthusiast, like myself, is danger for all, not just for later ones. Short sprint-fun races, with starts, pit entry/exits, 10-20laps top, so we can have 2-3 per evening (or declared day/s).. no point in full lenght test race - we need to practice behavior and specifics on the track. well have less bitter discusions.

why do you insist on doing online sessions, while a good portion of drivers can't do a fuel run by themselves without crashing ?

the first part would be to be able to handle the car and do multiple laps without crashing (although one would have hoped that part would be done by now !) if people can't even handle the car alone on track, do you expect it to be better with other guys around ?

and nothing stops you from posting on the forum and saying you're going on the server one evening and see if people are coming.

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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th)   Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 6 Oct 2015 - 20:09

JP Campmajo wrote:

why do you insist on doing online sessions, while a good portion of drivers can't do a fuel run by themselves without crashing ?

the first part would be to be able to handle the car and do multiple laps without crashing (although one would have hoped that part would be done by now !) if people can't even handle the car alone on track, do you expect it to be better with other guys around ?

and nothing stops you from posting on the forum and saying you're going on the server one evening and see if people are coming.

JP, you are right, without handling the car, there is no point in driving, but many of this discusions are result of not me hitting the wall, but me hitting you! Ill be more comfortable with more rounds driven along other drivers. And yes, I think it would be much better then. I must admit, I enjoy driving alone, but not for longe, others are pushing me to make more laps, while chasing them, or trying to stay in front. This is why I practice on the server, not alone.

And, you are right again, nothing stops me... :hum:

There are some tracks which are more easy for driving, for example, Cleveland, no walls around you. Im maniging to make full tank stint without crashing the one and only wall Smile, but Im afraid that there is going to be another demolition derby. Im embarest when hitting others, and pretty sad when hit, and Ill just like to have more and longer fun.

So, please, dont missjudge my suggestions, in a way its a invitation to all to try to make races better and more fun!

And while on fire, I plan to ask in paddock, but here I am now, is there on this forum, any kind of setup guide-tutorial for begginers? With "hows" and "whys", "pros" and "cons", explenations on which feature does what, and how it affects the car, handling etc... I just dont have that amount of time for so many laps, wheter this or any other chapionship!

I enjoy driving this championship a lot, so thank you all for leting me to be part of it!

Red leader, over and out!

And Function
Function is the key
- Fugazi
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th)   Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 6 Oct 2015 - 20:33

there are also the cones made of concrete to hit at cleveland :langue:

after vancouver, i watched the replay to see what happened during the race. i learned two things : 1/ some people can go through the walls and 2/ maybe 90% of the yellow flags happened to be single car incidents.

admittedly i didn't watch all the replays, or i'm not denying there are accidents between 2 or more drivers, but to solve your main problem, you have to solve the other problem which is get to handle the car properly.

the difference between a collision in the front of the field and the back, at the front it's generally due to making a bad decision, or it's done on purpose, while at the back, more often than not, it's bad car handling.

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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Registration date : 2012-06-24

Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th)   Round 13 - Grand Prix of Houston (Oct 4th) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Oct 2015 - 3:32

JP Campmajo wrote:
there are also the cones made of concrete to hit at cleveland :langue:

after vancouver, i watched the replay to see what happened during the race. i learned two things : 1/ some people can go through the walls and 2/ maybe 90% of the yellow flags happened to be single car incidents.

admittedly i didn't watch all the replays, or i'm not denying there are accidents between 2 or more drivers, but to solve your main problem, you have to solve the other problem which is get to handle the car properly.

the difference between a collision in the front of the field and the back, at the front it's generally due to making a bad decision, or it's done on purpose, while at the back, more often than not, it's bad car handling.

Oh no the cones of death! Close cousins to the barrels of death.

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