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 Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]

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François Remmen
Dana Schurer
Jan Titz
Jacob Fredriksson
Jason White
Yves Plaçais
Raul Jereb
Dylan Canton
Ricard Suanya
Alessio Campigotto
Richard Coxon
15 posters
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jun 2015 - 22:42

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] BRDC%2006%20Thruxton


Event Schedule (all times given are CET):

Wednesday July 1st

20:00 – Qualifying
20:50 – Warm-up and drivers’ briefing
21:00 – Race start (40 Laps)

Race server password : hso88

Starts will be given flying, after one formation lap.

Race Start Procedure

--> Reconnaissance Laps <--

Once the reconnaissance laps procedure is over and everybody is on the grid, the green lights giving the start will be shown. This will however be the signal for the beginning of our formation lap, which drivers will cover at low speed (around 150 kph / 90 mph). Do not overtake, stay packed, no more than 2 or 3 car lengths between each car. Zigzaging to warm up your tires is not allowed.

After the last turn, cars will keep rolling at reduced speed in the starting grid formation, so remember your side of the grid.
When the leading car will be in sight of the start/finish line, an admin will give the real start of the race by typing "GREEN FLAG" in the chat.

Overtake before crossing the start/finish line is allowed.

Before the green flag, drivers should remain in a grid formation, as shown below :

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] GridOK

Training Server

A training server running on the next scheduled track will be online permanently. Password : hso88

Behaviour on track

A few behaviour rules :

- as for all HSO races, it is required you use your real name both in-game and on the forum. Thank you.

- Chatting is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in race session. It is allowed in qualifying sessions for technical issues only.

- Drive Through : If a driver has to do a drive through, even if there is no pit lane speed limit, he has to drive through the pitlane at 100km/h max (60mph). If he doesn't respect this, he will get a 30s penalty at the end of the race.

- Shortcuts : If a driver gains a position after shortcutting a turn, he is required to give it back as soon as possible. In the case where a driver would not do it rapidly, a 30-second penalty will be added to his total race time. In the event of abusive and intentional shortcutting, severe sanctions will be applied (up to definitive a ban from the league). To make sure you never shortcut a turn, try to always keep two wheels on the track.

- Respect the red light at the end of the pitlane.

Application and Interpretation of the Regulations

The admins alone are qualified to solve any problems raised by the application and the interpretation of the present regulations.

Thanks for pointing out your presence/absence in this thread.


Last edited by Richard Coxon on Mon 24 Aug 2015 - 16:28; edited 1 time in total
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jun 2015 - 23:06

Present :yaa:
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Ricard Suanya
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Ricard Suanya

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jun 2015 - 23:40

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Dylan Canton
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Dylan Canton

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeThu 18 Jun 2015 - 6:48

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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeThu 18 Jun 2015 - 20:24

"Thanks the maker." - C3P0
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeThu 25 Jun 2015 - 9:40

Présent !
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2015 - 0:41

I am off work this week and would like to participate in the series finale Very Happy

#67 1.3r Lola-Mazda T616 plz
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2015 - 14:28

I still have a car? If so, I'd like to participate!
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Jan Titz
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Jan Titz

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jun 2015 - 13:46

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jun 2015 - 15:38

Jason you are ok to race the Lola, and yes you still have a car Jacob.
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jun 2015 - 15:49

Richard Coxon wrote:
Jason you are ok to race the Lola

Thank you sir :chinois:
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Dana Schurer
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Dana Schurer

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Jun 2015 - 18:53

Absent. The #75 Alba is free should anyone want it.
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Jun 2015 - 20:01

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Dave Miller
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Dave Miller

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 13:06

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Simon Wattman
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Simon Wattman

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 15:22

no race for me Neutral
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 18:36

Race server is up, qualifying starts in 25 mins :conduit:
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 21:11

Pfew, nice to get this race in! Had a great start, which meant I had to defend the rest of the race, rather than attacking. But I had no significant incidents and had a couple of good fights. Nice finish in the end. Smile
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 21:17

Well i don't want to sound sour, but i was looking forward for a good race, did the pole on my class and second overall, only  to be hit 5 times in the back during th race, the first 3 right in the first lap...:bangry: :grrr:  i was thrown into the wall, my car was a wreck, and then i just cruised around until the end, trying to catch M. Webber...
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 21:23

Richard Wilks wrote:
the first 2 right in the first lap...:bangry: :grrr:

I'll take blame for the first and am highly apologetic for that, but the second I could not do anything..

That was one of the most exciting races I've had on rFactor since the 1988 BTCC championship 2 seasons ago. Dropped to the back in the 1st lap, gradually made it back through the field and caught Dylan for the lead with around 10 laps to go for 3rd. Held stationary in 3rd with no chance of catching the leaders ~10 seconds up the road and was just hoping for Richard to beat Ricard and luckily he managed out of the final corner it seemed. Unlucky Ricard for losing the championship due to a CTD/disco at the start of the season and thank you Richard for your organisation this season, been a great championship :champ:
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Dylan Canton
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Dylan Canton

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Registration date : 2015-01-18

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 21:28

that was a awesome season final!

after the start i was really happy to see that Allesio and Richard were keeping each other of track which meant i could get into 3rd, but after 20 or so laps Alessio's name popped up on the little display and almost all my hope of getting a class win was gone, a couple of laps and mistakes later he passed me in the chicane when i out braked myself and that was the rest of my race although Yves almost overtook me to, but he was suddenly gone on the last lap with a loud crash... don't know what happened (may have been my fault, don't know :smil20: ) but i'm happy with a 4th overall and :second: in class!

i figured out why my FFB was gone and my wheel set itself to 900 degree's, seems that Logitech profiler crashed...

although i missed 2 or 3 races, this was an epic season which i'm really pleased about. Thanks for all the racing guys! :drink:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 21:33

Results are up on the website :flag:

Congrats to Alessio for the championship win :champ:

I have never had so much fun in a race at HSO, it was a great battle with Ricard, Sorry to deny you the title at the last corner, but Alessio paid me more  :hihi:  lol!

Also thanks to everyone who has turned up for this series, it has been great fun. :top:
See you all after the summer break Cool
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Alessio Campigotto
Racing Legend
Alessio Campigotto

Number of posts : 1249
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Registration date : 2011-12-29

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 22:00

Richard Coxon wrote:
I have never had so much fun in a race at HSO, it was a great battle with Ricard, Sorry to deny you the title at the last corner, but Alessio paid me more  :hihi:  lol!

That was meant to stay a secret :hihi: lol! Thanks Richard for organising the championship, would probably never have had the opportunity to drive the C2 cars otherwise :top:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 22:10

My pleasure Alessio, it's great to give these little cars the lime light for a change.
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
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Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeWed 1 Jul 2015 - 22:36

Dylan Canton wrote:
don't know what happened  (may have been my fault, don't know :smil20: )

Pas de problème, Dylan, je suis sorti tout seul ! :aie:

Bravo for your 4th overall and :second: in class!
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Dave Miller
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Dave Miller

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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]   Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st] Icon_minitimeThu 2 Jul 2015 - 15:22

It's been a good fun season racing these, i've really enjoyed driving my little Mazda.

Last night was a good race, even if I made it hard for myself with a few offs.

I really hope we can do some more races with this mod.
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Round 6 - BRDC Sports Car Championship - Thruxton [July 1st]
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