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 WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod

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2 posters
Alessio Campigotto
Racing Legend
Alessio Campigotto

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Registration date : 2011-12-29

WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Empty
PostSubject: WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod   WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Icon_minitimeMon 18 May 2015 - 22:41

I'd imagine for most here this won't be of a whole lot of interest, however for those who are interested I've been working on building a full skinpack of every AutoGP season since 2012.

Alessio_F1 wrote:
Templates have no shading and the models are very rough, so this won't come out looking like a fine polished mod. The models used are the A1GP 2005 Final mod, I believe initially created by iDT but some copyright problems stopped it from being released?

All credits initially supplied by the mod are found in the .rar file. The file also includes the original A1GP mod made by iDT which I take no credit for. My only work included is partial changes to the HDV and my skins.

The change to the HDV was purely an increase in the AIMinPassesPerTick which was increased from 3 to 6. If you have any framerate troubles, I suggest turning this value back to a lower value. The line will improve AI behaviour. The value can be set higher, mine is at 20, but if you have an older PC it is suggested to use a lower value to reduce CPU consumption.

If you see any errors with the skins, please advise me Smile

AutoGP Mod 0.1 (2015 season only) - http://www.mediafire.com/download/oe767wsf1cw9evy/AutoGP_Mod.rar

So far all cars shown are still W.I.P.



On Track

WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Th_rFactor%202015-05-14%2021-25-35-37_zpsvleeddhn
WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Th_rFactor%202015-05-14%2021-26-23-37_zpstsyenmms
WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Th_rFactor%202015-05-14%2021-26-18-45_zps3zxumgbm
WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Th_rFactor%202015-05-14%2021-36-47-60_zpsnuxvazqm
WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Th_rFactor%202015-05-15%2023-39-52-95_zpsevaybolt


WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod 95

1999 German F3
1989 Italian Superturismo
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod   WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Icon_minitimeTue 19 May 2015 - 2:51

Are there multiple frames or is it spec? Looks and sounds good.

WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod 458
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Alessio Campigotto
Racing Legend
Alessio Campigotto

Number of posts : 1249
Age : 27
Location : UK
Registration date : 2011-12-29

WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod   WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Icon_minitimeTue 19 May 2015 - 16:46

Thanks Smile Yes, solely single spec series with the old A1GP cars. Thankfully I did not do sounds but iDT, who made the CART95 mod, so they've come out great lol!


WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod 95

1999 German F3
1989 Italian Superturismo
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WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod   WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod Icon_minitime

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WIP AutoGP 2012-2015 mod
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