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 F1 1989

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2 posters
Alessio Campigotto
Racing Legend
Alessio Campigotto

Number of posts : 1249
Age : 27
Location : UK
Registration date : 2011-12-29

F1 1989 Empty
PostSubject: F1 1989   F1 1989 Icon_minitimeMon 1 Dec 2014 - 20:19

Anyone seen this?


Downloading it now but I'm not overly confident about it, expecting it to be yet another league edition mod with physics comparable to a dog riding a blindfolded donkey...

EDIT: Seems to be Vekimilijan's (from F1Classic) F1 1989 beta mod used without permission with physics and remaining models stolen from the SRM1990 mod as per usual with most DrivingItalia mods.......


F1 1989 95

1999 German F3
1989 Italian Superturismo
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François Remmen
Pro Driver
François Remmen

Number of posts : 880
Age : 44
Location : Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-12-22

F1 1989 Empty
PostSubject: Re: F1 1989   F1 1989 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Dec 2014 - 12:47

just tried once and immediatly delete it , total crap compare to 91
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F1 1989
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