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 Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]

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Philippe Martinelli
Jean-Marie Placais
Simon Wattman
Mick Chapman
Patrick Marucco
David Cid
Carl Larrad
Vincent Beretta
Yannick Lampure
Paul Huggett
Alex Thomas
Alex Yaushev
Samy Hamlaoui
Richard Coxon
Antoine de Mautor
Tiago Malafaya
Sergio Mengual
Alberto Ibañez
Matthieu Bellanger
finally gone :)
Ben Paulet
François Remmen
Vadim Sadoshenko
Yves Plaçais
Frank Verplanken
29 posters
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 18:07

1965 BARC St Mary's Trophy

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] 03%20Goodwood

--> HOTLAPS <--


Wednesday March 5th (all times given are CET) :

20:00 - Qualifying
20:50 - Drivers’ briefing and reconnaissance laps
21:00 - Race Start (10 laps)

Password : hso65

A training server will be running 24/7 (same password).

Fun Event

The race being only over 10 laps, we will stage a fun event once the BSCC race is over. The fun event will be a 20-lap race on the same Goodwood track but with different cars.

All the cars of the GTC-65 carset of the mod are allowed. There is no booking or car restrictions, every driver can pick whichever car he wants. Each driver can announce which car he will drive, but this is not mandatory. The Fun Event is open to all drivers, whether they participated in the BSCC race or not.

21:30 - Fun Event Qualifying
22:00 - Fun Event Race (20 laps)

Race Start Procedure

--> Reconnaissance Laps <--

Behaviour on track

- as for all HSO races, it is required you use your real name both in-game and on the forum. Thank you.

- Chatting is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in race session. It is allowed in qualifying sessions for technical issues only.

- Drive Through : If a driver has to do a drive through, even if there is no pit lane speed limit, he has to drive through the pitlane at 100km/h max (60mph). If he doesn't respect this, he will get a 30s penalty at the end of the race.

- Shortcuts : If a driver gains a position after shortcutting a turn, he is required to give it back as soon as possible. In the case where a driver would not do it rapidly, a 30-second penalty will be added to his total race time. In the event of abusive and intentional shortcutting, severe sanctions will be applied (up to definitive a ban from the league). To make sure you never shortcut a turn, try to always keep two wheels on the track.

- Respect the red light at the end of the pitlane.

Application and Interpretation of the Regulations

The admins alone are qualified to solve any problems raised by the application and the interpretation of the present regulations.

Thanks for pointing out your presence/absence in this thread.


Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Martin Audran Class D #4 Ford Mustang
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Jean-Marie Plaçais Class D #5 Ford Falcon
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Portugal Tiago Malafaya Class D #10 Ford Mustang
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Netherlands François Remmen Class D #33 Ford Mustang
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Uk Mick Chapman Class D #34 Ford Mustang
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Espana Alberto Ibanez Class D #55 Ford Mustang
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Portugal David Cid Class D #86 Ford Mustang
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Uk Richard Coxon Class D #201 Ford Falcon

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Yves Plaçais Class C #20 Ford-Lotus Cortina
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Vincent Beretta Class C #21 Ford-Lotus Cortina
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Yannick Lampure Class C #22 Ford-Lotus Cortina
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Australia Alex Thomas Class C #24 Ford-Lotus Cortina
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Ben Paulet Class C #36 ALFA-Romeo 1600 GTA
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Antoine de Mautor Class C #93 Ford-Lotus Cortina
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Frank Verplanken Class C #95 Ford-Lotus Cortina

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Espana Sergio Mengual Class B #32 Abarth 1000 TCR
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Sweden Simon Wattman Class B #37 Abarth 1000 TCR
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Russia Vadim Sadoshenko Class B #45 Abarth 1000 TCR
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Uk Carl Larrad Class B #174 Abarth 1000 TCR
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Russia Alex Yaushev Class B #591 BMC Mini Cooper S1275
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Uk Paul Huggett Class B #592 BMC Mini Cooper S1275
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Samy Hamlaoui Class B #593 BMC Mini Cooper S1275
Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] France Matthieu Bellanger Class B #670 BMC Mini Cooper S1275

Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Sat 22 Mar 2014 - 11:23; edited 7 times in total
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
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Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 18:10

Présent !
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

Number of posts : 1038
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Registration date : 2011-12-18

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 18:32

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François Remmen
Pro Driver
François Remmen

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Registration date : 2012-12-22

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 18:54


is this working online?

(wonderfull track but no tiresmoke effects here aswell , a small edit to make it apear in the tdf file to change the road and rallysection and // Other loose special effects,

Reaction=whitesmoke into =tiresmoke JP) Smile
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 18:58

What is a fun event? and why is it fun? scratch 
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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Registration date : 2008-10-27

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 19:04

François Remmen wrote:

is this working online?

(wonderfull track but no tiresmoke effects here aswell , a small edit to make it apear in the tdf file to change the road and rallysection and // Other loose special effects,

Reaction=whitesmoke into =tiresmoke JP) Smile

It was a super-quick update of the original Goodwood. Ie, if it doesn't work here, it didn't work in the first version :smil20: 
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 19:07

Ben Paulet wrote:
What is a fun event? and why is it fun? scratch 

In the simracing parlance it means non-official race, with no championship points and liberal rules. In the HSO context it means under the acceptable level of accuracy :D.
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

Number of posts : 880
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Registration date : 2012-12-22

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 19:38


i know mate but i figger when update this for the 65 trackpack that the original version by motorfx, the same as this one, those lines in the tdf were wrong and change them , and it reappears  Very Happy 
anyway just letting you know it is possible in case you plan a future update.

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Matthieu Bellanger
Club Driver
Matthieu Bellanger

Number of posts : 88
Age : 48
Location : Angers FRANCE
Registration date : 2012-12-13

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 20:05

present :conduit: 
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 20:11

Present for the BSCC  :hello:

Last edited by Alberto Ibañez on Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 20:56; edited 1 time in total
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Sergio Mengual
Club Driver
Sergio Mengual

Number of posts : 72
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Registration date : 2013-08-26

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 20:34

Present  :conduit: 
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 20:47

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Antoine de Mautor
League Owner
Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 23:33

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeFri 28 Feb 2014 - 23:53

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Samy Hamlaoui
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Samy Hamlaoui

Number of posts : 79
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Registration date : 2012-11-24

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeSat 1 Mar 2014 - 13:46

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Alex Yaushev
Alex Yaushev

Number of posts : 16
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Registration date : 2014-02-20

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeSat 1 Mar 2014 - 23:31

:conduit: i'am in!
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Alex Thomas
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Alex Thomas

Number of posts : 55
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Location : Adelaide, Australia
Registration date : 2010-08-09

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeSun 2 Mar 2014 - 0:01

I will be there for this one  :clap: 
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Paul Huggett

Number of posts : 27
Location : Hastings, UK
Registration date : 2014-01-31

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeSun 2 Mar 2014 - 12:37

Entry for me please - looking forward to it.
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Yannick Lampure
Pro Driver
Yannick Lampure

Number of posts : 914
Age : 58
Location : toulouse, france
Registration date : 2009-02-23

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeSun 2 Mar 2014 - 16:46

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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Registration date : 2008-12-15

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeMon 3 Mar 2014 - 10:40

:conduit:, of course.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeMon 3 Mar 2014 - 10:54

What sort of cars is it again in the gt 65 class? AC Cobras and E-Type Jags etc. ?
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeMon 3 Mar 2014 - 12:53

Présent.  :frank: 
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeMon 3 Mar 2014 - 22:59

Présent  :conduit: 
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David Cid
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David Cid

Number of posts : 754
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Registration date : 2012-02-05

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeTue 4 Mar 2014 - 0:05

Present  :top: 
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitimeTue 4 Mar 2014 - 8:36

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PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]   Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th] Icon_minitime

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Round 4 - BARC St Mary's Trophy [March 5th]
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