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 1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles

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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles Empty
PostSubject: 1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles   1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles Icon_minitimeMon 6 Apr 2009 - 16:34

To help you chose your car for the race, we have gathered all the available cars in this thread (because browsing through all the 33 cars in the game can be very long as rFactor takes ages to load each skin What a Face ). We took the real car pictures, but of course all are available in the mod.
This topic is locked - please submit you car choice in the main race thread.


Pour vous aider à choisir votre voiture pour la course, nous avons rassemblé dans ce topic toutes les voitures disponibles (car faire défiler les 33 voitures dans le jeu peut prendre beaucoup de temps, rFactor mettant pas mal de temps à charger chaque skin What a Face). Nous avons pris les photos des vraies voitures, mais elles correspondent bien entendu aux voitures disponibles dans le mod.
Ce topic est fermé, merci de nous communiquer nous votre choix de châssis dans le topic principal de la course.

Leader Card Racers
#1 Watson CC-59 : Rodger Ward
#65 Watson Mk1 : Chuck Stevenson
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %231%20Ward
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2365%20Stevenson

Lindsey Hopkins
#2 Watson : Tony Bettenhausen
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %232%20Bettenhausen

Racing Associates
#3 Lesovksy ’59 : Johnny Thomson
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %233%20Thomson

Ken-Paul Inc.
#4 Watson Mk2 : Jim Rathmann
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %234%20J%20Rathmann%20ok

George Bignotti Racing
#5 Kurtis : A.J. Foyt, Jr.
#8 Epperly : Johnny Boyd
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %235%20Foyt
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %238%20Boyd

Al Dean Enterprises
#6 Ewing B : Eddie Sachs
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %236%20Sachs

Bob Estes
#7 Philipps : Don Branson
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %237%20Branson

Salemi & Rini Racing Ent.
#9 Watson Mk3 : Len Sutton
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %239%20Sutton

George Salih
#10 Salih : Jimmy Bryan
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2310%20Bryan

Bill Forbes Racing
#14 Meskowski : Bobby Grim
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2314%20Grim

Tidewater Associates
#16 Epperly : Jim McWithey
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2316%20McWhitey

Ensley & Murphy
#17 Kuzma 1959 : Duane Carter
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2317%20Carter

Jim Robbins
#18 Trevis Mk1 : Bud Tinglestad
#22 Trevis Mk2 : Eddie Johnson
#97 Watson : Dick Rathmann
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2318%20Tinglestad
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2322%20Johnson
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2397%20D%20Rathmann

Grant Donaldson
#19 Kurtis : Eddie Russo
#23 Kurtis-Kraft 500G : Dempsey Wilson
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2319%20Johnson
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2323%20Daywalt

Federal Engineering
#26 Kurtis-Kraft 500E : Shorty Templeman
#38 Kurtis-Kraft 500D : Bob Christie
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2326%20Templeman
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2338%20Christie

Leonard Faas
#27 Salih : Red Amick
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2327%20Amick

John Zink
#28 Watson CC-55 : Troy Ruttman
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2328%20Ruttman

Ansted-Rotary Racing
#32 Kuzma 1959 : Wayne Weiler
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2332%20Weiler

Roy McKay
#37 Kurtis-Kraft 500J : Gene Force
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2337%20Force

Norm Hall
#39 Kuzma 1958 : Bill Homeier
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2339%20Homeier

Peter Schmidt
#44 Meskowski : Bob Veith
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2344%20Veith

Chapman Root
#48 Kurtis-Kraft 500G : Gene Hartley
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2348%20Hartley

Ernest Ruiz
#56 Christiansen : Jim Hurtubise
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2356%20Hurtubise

Ross Babcock Racing
#73 Kurtis : Don Freeland
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2373%20Freeland

Joe Hunt
#76 Ewing A : Al Herman
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2376%20Herman

J.C. Agajanian
#98 Watson Mk4 : Lloyd Ruby
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2398%20Ruby

Norman Demler
#99 Epperly : Paul Goldsmith
1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles %2399%20Goldsmith

Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Fri 10 Apr 2009 - 9:11; edited 9 times in total
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles   1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles Icon_minitimeWed 8 Apr 2009 - 12:17

Driver Biographies

Of the 33 drivers who participated in the 1960 Indianapolis 500, only 5 are still alive today : Bob Christie, A.J. Foyt, Paul Goldsmith, Jim Rathmann and Eddie Russo. The 28 others are all deceased, 7 of which died in a racing car : Tony Bettenhausen, Don Branson, Jimmy Bryan, Al Herman, Shorty Templeman, Johnny Thomson and Eddie Sachs.

Rodger Ward (#1 Watson CC-59 | Leader Card Racers)

Born : 1921 January 10 in Beloit, Kansas
Died : 2004 July 5 in Anaheim, California
Indy 500 starts : 15 (1951-66)
Best Indy 500 result : Winner (1959 & 1962)
1960 Indy 500 : 2nd
Career Highlights : 161 Indycar starts, 27 wins, 12 poles. 1959 & 1962 USAC Indycar National Champion. 1951 AAA National Stock Car Champion.

Tony Bettenhausen (#2 Watson | Lindsey Hopkins)

Born : 1916 September 12 in Tinley Park, Illinois
Died : 1961 May 12 in Indianapolis, Indiana (Indy 500 practice crash)
Indy 500 starts : 14 (1946-61)
Best Indy 500 result : 2nd (1955)
1960 Indy 500 : 23rd (DNF)
Career Highlights : 120 Indycar starts, 21 wins, 14 poles. 1951 AAA & 1958 USAC Indycar National Champion.

Johnny Thomson (#3 Lesovsky 1959 | Racing Associates)

Born : 1922 April 9 in Lowell, Massachussetts
Died : 1960 September 24 in Allentown, Pennsylvania (sprint car crash)
Indy 500 starts : 8 (1953-60 )
Best Indy 500 result : 3rd (1959)
1960 Indy 500 : 5th
Career Highlights : 71 Indycar starts, 7 wins, 11 poles. 3rd 1955 AAA, 1958 & 1959 USAC Indycar National Championship. 1952 AAA Eastern Midget Champion. 1954 AAA Eastern & 1958 USAC Eastern Sprint Car Champion.

Jim Rathmann (#4 Watson Mk2 | Ken-Paul Inc.)

Born : 1928 July 16 in Los Angeles, California
Indy 500 starts : 14 (1949-63)
Best Indy 500 result : Winner (1960)
1960 Indy 500 : Winner
Career Highlights : 42 Indycar starts, 7 wins, 3 poles. 2nd 1957 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Anthony-Joseph Foyt, Jr. (#5 Kurtis | George Bignotti Racing)

Born : 1935 January 16 in Houston, Texas
Indy 500 starts : 35 (1958-93)
Best Indy 500 result : Winner (1961-64-67-77)
1960 Indy 500 : 25th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 380 Indycar starts, 72 wins, 58 poles. 1960-61-63-64-67-75-79 USAC National Indycar Champion. 1960 USAC Eastern Sprint Car Champion. 1968-78-79 USAC National Stock Car Champion.

Eddie Sachs (#6 Ewing B | Al Dean Enterprises)

Born : 1927 May 28 in Allentown, Pennsylvania
Died : 1964 May 30 in Indianapolis, Indiana (Indy 500 crash)
Indy 500 starts : 8 (1953-64)
Best Indy 500 result : 2nd (1961)
1960 Indy 500 : 21st (DNF)
Career Highlights : 73 Indycar starts, 8 wins, 4 poles. 2nd 1961 USAC Indycar National Championship. 1958 USAC Midwest Sprint Car Champion.

Don Branson (#7 Phillips | Bob Estes)

Born : 1920 June 2 in Rantoul, Illinois
Died : 1966 November 12 in Ascot, California (sprint car crash)
Indy 500 starts : 8 (1959-66)
Best Indy 500 result : 4th (1960)
1960 Indy 500 : 4th
Career Highlights : 130 Indycar starts, 7 wins, 16 poles. 3rd 1960 USAC Indycar National Championship. 1964 USAC National Sprint Car Champion. 1959 USAC Midwest Sprint Car Champion.

Johnny Boyd (#8 Epperly | George Bignotti Racing)

Born : 1926 August 19 in Fresno, California
Died : 2003 October 27 in Fresno, California
Indy 500 starts : 12 (1955-67)
Best Indy 500 result : 3rd (1958)
1960 Indy 500 : 27th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 56 Indycar starts, 3 poles, 2nd 1959 Milwaukee 100. 8th 1957 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Len Sutton (#9 Watson Mk3 | Salemi & Rini Racing)

Born : 1925 August 9 in Aims, Oregon
Died : 2006 December 4 in Portland, Oregon
Indy 500 starts : 7 (1956-65)
Best Indy 500 result : 2nd (1962)
1960 Indy 500 : 30th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 76 Indycar starts, 3 wins, 1 pole. 7th 1961 & 1962 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Jimmy Bryan (#10 Salih | George Salih)

Born : 1926 January 28 in Phoenix, Arizona
Died : 1960 June 19 in Langhorne, Pennsylvania (Indycar crash)
Indy 500 starts : 9 (1951-60)
Best Indy 500 result : Winner (1958)
1960 Indy 500 : 19th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 73 Indycar starts, 23 wins, 5 poles. 1954 AAA, 1956 & 1957 USAC Indycar National Champion.

Bobby Grim (#14 Meskowski | Bill Forbes Racing)

Born : 1924 September 4 in Coal City, Indiana
Died : 1995 June 14 in Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy 500 starts : 9 (1959-69)
Best Indy 500 result : 10th (1964 & 1968)
1960 Indy 500 : 16th
Career Highlights : 66 Indycar starts, 1 win. 12th 1959 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Jim McWithey (#16 Epperly | Tidewater Associates)

Born : 1924 September 4 in Coal City, Indiana
Died : 2009 February 1 in Gainesville, Georgia
Indy 500 starts : 2 (1959-60)
Best Indy 500 result : 16th (1959)
1960 Indy 500 : 29th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 20 Indycar starts. 14th 1959 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Duane Carter (#17 Kuzma 1959 | Ensley & Murphy)

Born : 1913 May 5 in Fresno, California
Died : 1993 May 7 in Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy 500 starts : 11 (1947-64)
Best Indy 500 result : 4th (1952)
1960 Indy 500 : 12th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 47 Indycar starts, 2 poles, 2nd 1953 Phoenix 100. 4th 1952 AAA Indycar National Championship. 1950 AAA Central Sprint Car Champion.

Bud Tinglestad (#18 Trevis Mk1 | Jim Robbins)

Born : 1928 April 4 in Frazee, Minnesota
Died : 1981 July 30 in Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy 500 starts : 10 (1960-72)
Best Indy 500 result : 6th (1964)
1960 Indy 500 : 9th
Career Highlights : 120 Indycar starts, 1 win. 5th 1964 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Eddie Russo (#19 Kurtis | Grant Donaldson)

Born : 1925 November 19 in Chicago, Illinois
Indy 500 starts : 3 (1955-60)
Best Indy 500 result : 22nd (1955)
1960 Indy 500 : 26th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 22 Indycar starts, 1 pole, 7th 1955 Langhorne 100. 23rd 1955 AAA Indycar National Championship.

Eddie Johnson (#22 Trevis Mk2 | Jim Robbins)

Born : 1919 February 10 in Richmond, Virginia
Died : 1974 June 30 in Cleveland, Ohio
Indy 500 starts : 15 (1952-66)
Best Indy 500 result : 6th (1960)
1960 Indy 500 : 6th
Career Highlights : 33 Indycar starts, 3rd 1959 Trenton 100. 15th 1959 & 1960 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Dempsey Wilson (#23 Kurtis-Kraf 500G | Grant Donaldson)

Born : 1927 March 11 in Los Angeles, California
Died : 1971 April 23 in Los Angeles, California
Indy 500 starts : 4 (1956-68 )
Best Indy 500 result : 11th (1963)
1960 Indy 500 : 33rd (DNF)
Career Highlights : 32 Indycar starts, 8th 1960 Milwaukee 200. 22nd 1963 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Shorty Templeman (#26 Kurtis-Kraf 500E | Federal Engineering)

Born : 1919 August 12 in Pueblo, Colorado
Died : 1962 August 24 in Mario, Ohio (Midget crash)
Indy 500 starts : 5 (1955-62)
Best Indy 500 result : 4th (1961)
1960 Indy 500 : 17th
Career Highlights : 42 Indycar starts, 3 poles, 2nd 1961 DuQuoin 100 & Syracuse 100. 4th 1961 USAC Indycar National Championship. 1956-57-58 USAC National Midget Champion.

Richard ‘Red’ Amick (#27 Salih | Leonard Faas)

Born : 1929 January 19 in Kansas City, Missouri
Died : 1995 May 16 in Crystal River, Florida
Indy 500 starts : 2 (1959-60)
Best Indy 500 result : 11th (1960)
1960 Indy 500 : 11th
Career Highlights : 5 Indycar starts, 11th 1960 Indianapolis 500. 30th 1960 USAC Indycar National Championship.

Troy Ruttman (#28 Watson CC-55 | John Zink)

Born : 1930 March 11 in Mooreland, Oklahoma
Died : 1997 May 19 in Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Indy 500 starts : 12 (1949-64)
Best Indy 500 result : Winner (1952)
1960 Indy 500 : 20th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 58 Indycar starts, 5 wins, 3 poles. 2nd 1952 AAA Indycar National Championship. 1951 AAA Central Sprint Car Champion, 1951-52 AAA Western Sprint Car Champion. 1956 USAC Stock Car Short-Track National Champion.

Wayne Weiler (#32 Kuzma 1959 | Ansted-Thompson Racing)

Born : 1934 December 9 in Phoenix, Arizona
Died : 2005 October 13 in Phoenix, Arizona
Indy 500 starts : 2 (1960-61)
Best Indy 500 result : 15th (1961)
1960 Indy 500 : 24th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 19 Indycar starts, 1 pole, 3rd 1960 Phoenix 100. 13th 1960 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Gene Force (#37 Kurtis-Kraft 500J | Roy McKay)

Born : 1916 June 15 in New Madison, Ohio
Died : 1983 August 21 in Brooklyn, Michigan
Indy 500 starts : 2 (1951-60)
Best Indy 500 result : 11th (1951)
1960 Indy 500 : 28th (DNF)
Career Highlights : 34 Indycar starts, 3rd 1959 Sacramento 100, 1960 Langhorne 100 & Hoosier Hundred. 6th 1960 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Bob Christie (#38 Kurtis-Kraft 500D | Federal Engineering)

Born : 1924 April 4 in Grant Pass, Oregon
Indy 500 starts : 8 (1954-67)
Best Indy 500 result : 10th (1960)
1960 Indy 500 : 10th
Career Highlights : 15 Indycar starts, 3rd 1959 Daytona100. 26th 1961 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Bill Homeier (#39 Kuzma 1958 | Norm Hall)

Born : 1918 August 31 in Rock Island, Texas
Died : 2001 May 5 in Houston, Texas
Indy 500 starts : 2 (1954-60)
Best Indy 500 result : 13th (1960)
1960 Indy 500 : 13th
Career Highlights : 15 Indycar starts, 5th 1959 Sacramento. 30th 1959 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Bob Veith (#44 Meskowski | Peter Schmidt)

Born : 1924 November 1 in Tulare, California
Died : 2006 March 29 in Santa Rosa, California
Indy 500 starts : 11 (1956-1970)
Best Indy 500 result : 7th (1956)
1960 Indy 500 : 8th
Career Highlights : 63 Indycar starts, 1 pole, 2nd 1958 Milwaukee 200. 7th 1956 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Gene Hartley (#48 Kurtis-Kraft 500G | Chapman Root)

Born : 1926 January 28 in Roanoke, Indiana
Died : 1993 March 13 in Roanoke, Indiana
Indy 500 starts : 10 (1950-62)
Best Indy 500 result : 10th (1957)
1960 Indy 500 : 14th
Career Highlights : 33 Indycar starts, 2nd 1956 Langhorne 100. 20th 1956 USAC National Indycar Championship. 1959 USAC National Midget Champion.

Jim Hurtubise (#56 Christiansen | Ernest Ruiz)

Born : 1932 December 5 in North Tonawanda, New York
Died : 1989 January 6 in Port Arthur, Texas
Indy 500 starts : 10 (1960-74)
Best Indy 500 result : 13th (1962)
1960 Indy 500 : 22nd (DNF)
Career Highlights : 97 Indycar starts, 4 wins, 3 poles. 6th 1961 & 1962 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Chuck Stevenson (#65 Watson Mk1 | Leader Card Racers)

Born : 1919 October 15 in Sidney, Montana
Died : 1995 August 21 in Benson, Arizona
Indy 500 starts : 9 (1951-65)
Best Indy 500 result : 6th (1961)
1960 Indy 500 : 15th
Career Highlights : 54 Indycar starts, 4 wins, 3 poles. 1952 AAA National Indycar Champion.

Don Freeland (#73 Kurtis | Ross Babcock Racing)

Born : 1925 March 25 in Los Angeles, California
Died : 2007 November 2 in San Diego, California
Indy 500 starts : 8 (1953-60)
Best Indy 500 result : 3rd (1956)
1960 Indy 500 : 22nd (DNF)
Career Highlights : 76 Indycar starts, 4 poles, 2nd 1956 Springfield 100 & Sacramento 100. 3rd 1956 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Al Herman (#76 Ewing A | Joe Hunt)

Born : 1927 March 15 in Topton, Pennsylvania
Died : 1960 June 18 in West Haven, Connecticut (Midget crash
Indy 500 starts : 5 (1955-60)
Best Indy 500 result : 7th (1955)
1960 Indy 500 : 32nd (DNF)
Career Highlights : 12 Indycar starts, 7th 1955 Indianapolis 500. 11th 1955 AAA National Indycar Championship.

Dick Rathmann (#97 Watson | Jim Robbins)

Born : 1926 January 6 in Los Angeles, California
Died : 2000 February 1 in Melbourne, Florida
Indy 500 starts : 9 (1950-64)
Best Indy 500 result : 5th (1956)
1960 Indy 500 : 31st (DNF)
Career Highlights : 47 Indycar starts, 4 poles, 3rd 1960 Milwaukee 200, 1961 Milwaukee 100 & Springfield 100. 10th 1961 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Lloyd Ruby (#98 Watson Mk4 | J.C. Agajanian)

Born : 1928 January 12 in Wichita Falls, Texas
Died : 2009 March 23 in Wichita Falls, Texas
Indy 500 starts : 18 (1960-77)
Best Indy 500 result : 3rd (1964)
1960 Indy 500 : 7th
Career Highlights : 177 Indycar starts, 7 wins, 8 poles. 3rd 1964 USAC National Indycar Championship.

Paul Goldsmith (#99 Epperly | Norman Demler)

Born : 1925 October 2 in Parkersburg, West Virginia
Indy 500 starts : 6 (1958-63)
Best Indy 500 result : 3rd (1960)
1960 Indy 500 : 3rd
Career Highlights : 8 Indycar starts, 3rd 1960 Indianapolis 500. 10th 1959 & 1960 USAC National Indycar Championship. 1961-62 USAC National Stock Car Champion.


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1960 Indianapolis 500 - The 33 Available Cars | Les 33 Voitures Disponibles
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