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 A new SimRace-Events portal

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Siggi de la Hoff

Number of posts : 1
Age : 55
Location : Germany
Registration date : 2013-09-05

A new SimRace-Events portal Empty
PostSubject: A new SimRace-Events portal   A new SimRace-Events portal Icon_minitimeThu 5 Sep 2013 - 6:28

Hello Racing Friends, Hello League Officials,

You've planned a "one time" racing event?
You want that many drivers participate in your event?
With international drivers?

All of us are part of a big Online Racing-Community and virtual racing makes us happy. Therefore we built different communities and compare ourselves with other drivers of our leagues. For creating a necessary variety, we organize some small events but also some big events.
The success of every event depends on the number of participants. Is the number of the drivers who take part in your events satisfying, you can ignore this message. But when you have the problem that there are not enough drivers who participate regularly in your events, you should read this letter up to the end because it can be very helpful and interesting for you.
When you have to search for participants in your events, you lose the motivation to organize such an event very quickly. You have to place your advertising well-timed, inform as much communities as possible and you have to consider where you can post a news about your event. These posts are often unwelcome in the forums of other leagues because it can give them the impression that you want to entice drivers away.
A racing event with a substantial number of drivers that changes from event to event arranges for suspense and fun. By offering you a new service for making your national and international events available for the publicity we deal with exactly this topic.
We are an international and independent platform for managing and presenting your events. Our target is to provide the drivers several event dates.
On the one hand it is a platform for worldwide Sim-Racing-Events and on the other hand we offer all participating leagues a surplus for their people in power and their drivers.


The target of the site is to give you a chance to announce your events. The site is not designed for advertising for your leagues, or generally advertising for your community. Of course we, the initiators of this site, won't advertise for our own leagues. There aren't any links to our own page on Simrace-Events.

We offer you consequent advantages:
• Central platform to call attention to your events
• Knowledge of national and international events
• Advertising rostrum for your SimRace-Events
• More fun for your league drivers
• Time saving through a central event main entrance
• Posting of event dates is expressly allowed and desired
• Posts that should entice other drivers away will be deleted
• Posts which advertise for leagues will be deleted, too
• New partnerships between drivers and communities can be generated
• Clearly and transparently prepared presentation of your event dates
• SimRace-events is free of charge

Within 24 hours we will include your event into the global and clearly event-list and also into the annual calendar. Furthermore the event date will be registered in the “Next Events” module that is integrated on our homepage. It shows you the events that will be soon. When there is a verbal voting necessary you can use the Teamspeak-Server.
Now it's your turn to register on www.simrace-events.de. Simply post your event including a flyer and write more informations about your event in the forum .
Registered users can ask questions about your event in the forum or directly in your forum. At the same time they can register on your site to sign in and participate in your event.

Let us approach this project together and all of us will profit by this project.

More information about Simrace Events can be found at:

http://www.simrace-events.de (The page is still "work in progress" but all functions are available)

Many sportive regards
Your SimRace-Events Team
(Siggi de la Hoff, Frog and Rene Reznikov)
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