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 Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)

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Lee Gibson
Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013 - 21:36

I was looking around on the F1 Classics site, when I came across this historic mod. It's a conversion from a Race 07 mod, which I've tried and enjoyed (maybe too much grip though). Haven't tried it yet, but it's definitely interesting :clap:

OP: http://f1classic.your-talk.com/t4715-release-super-touring-cars-v16-released

Evo Monkey wrote:

Pictures at the bottom of this post





V1.61 PATCH:


Pictures of 1.6:


Skinning pack (V2):


Previous versions (Mediafire folder):



Super Touring Cars, previously British Super Touring Cars (BSTC). Still the same page to preserve links and not confuse people.


Welcome to Super Touring Cars!

The mod was originally made for Race On by Andreas FSC. This was his first mod and has learnt everything to bring it up to standard. Evo Monkey has then converted the mod to rFactor (With permission). While the original V1.0 release was sketchy, it has now been improved by many helpful people around the community. However, there are still improvements to be made for the future.


What's new in V1.6?


New shader settings for all cars
New smoothing for all cars
Reversed the BMW mirrors - They were inverted


New 1.6 loading pictures


4WD physics for 1997 Audi


Heck of a lot of skins added from BTCC 1993-1997 and STW 1997 and 1998
Some new cars, including 405, Cavalier, Carina, 850 Estate, Mondeo Si all from the F1 Challenge BTCC mod.
New Alfa 155 from AndreasFSC.


Track list for single player championships:

BTCC tracks used:

Brands Hatch 2005 - LasterCutter
Croft - Kris Vickers
Donnington Park - MotorFX
Knockhill - MotorFX
Northamptonshire - ISI
Oulton Park - LasterCutter
Snetterton 2005 - LasterCutter
Thruxton - LasterCutter

STW tracks used:

Hockenheim - Damon
Mainz Finthen - Com8
Norisring - Indiana
Nurburgring - ISI
Oscherslaben - GTR2
Salzburgring - Com8
Zolder - GT Legends



AndreasFCS - Race Mod
Evo monkey - rFactor conversion
TICTOC - Lots of help with textures
Antony Aikin - Sounds/Engine files
David Paterson - Engine files/Physics/HDV
ISI - rFactor

And a big thanks to....
Gunthar Rowe
Ryan Callan
Knut Omdal Tvieto

And everyone who has downloaded the mod and left a comment, thanks!


Contact emails:

AndreasFC: a_m_larsson@hotmail.com

Evo Monkey: jo5hc@hotmail.co.uk





Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) R_Factor_2011_04_14_11_39_21_42

Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) R_Factor_2011_04_14_11_41_17_61

Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) R_Factor_2011_04_14_11_41_25_93



Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) 95

1999 German F3
1989 Italian Superturismo
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Lee Gibson
Lee Gibson

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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013 - 21:44

This is good fun,Ive had this mod for a while,I havnt got too into it yet though,Theres loads of cars in the mod.
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013 - 21:59

Oh yes, I downloaded that.

Quite interesting, but before the Audi got it's own physics, they all felt the same.

But I am not sure if the creator keeps updating it. I heard he stopped now...


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) 467
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Karel Marciniszyn
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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeThu 23 May 2013 - 6:59

this could be great mod...I liked the old one ETCC for F1 challenge...it is a pitty, that we didnĀ“t get any 1st class mod of these cars during the rFactor era...

I am ashamed for my stats way too much to show them :D
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeThu 23 May 2013 - 12:37

:slurp: bounce I'm doing alot of bouncing today! All these great mods being found! lol!

Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) 462
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeWed 4 Feb 2015 - 0:37

Link removed due to utter stupidity :doh:

Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) 462

Last edited by Richard Coxon on Wed 4 Feb 2015 - 20:22; edited 1 time in total
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeWed 4 Feb 2015 - 20:19

Richard I Got all excited and then realized its for Race07 geek

Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) 18
Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Untitl22

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitimeWed 4 Feb 2015 - 20:21


As you can see it was late and my mind wasnt with it, sorry guys, Major fail! :doh:

Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) 462
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PostSubject: Re: Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98)   Super Touring Cars (BTCC 93-97, STW 97-98) Icon_minitime

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