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 2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton..

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2 posters
Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
Age : 61
Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton.. Empty
PostSubject: 2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton..   2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton.. Icon_minitimeMon 4 Mar 2013 - 5:40

My pops buddy John Morton at Laguna 2012..Lousy video..I narrate..John was a GTP champ in the Nissan..good buddy! :drink: Good man John..Fierce competitor still at 70 + :drink:

1972 Milt Sr. in the Porsche917/10,Mechanic Alwin Springer-Ex President of Porsche Motorsports of North America,and car owner Vasek Polak
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Antoine de Mautor
League Owner
Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
Age : 36
Location : Nantes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton..   2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton.. Icon_minitimeMon 4 Mar 2013 - 10:25

Hey Milt buddy, long time no see cheers

2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton.. Signature%20Antoine
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2012 Monterey Motorsports Reunion John Morton..
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