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 Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]

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Ben Paulet
Vincent Beretta
Alban Cosnuau
Jon Lasa
Martin Audran
Philippe Martinelli
Franck Mercurio
Ole Marius Myrvold
Freddy Hell
Simon Wattman
Dave Miller
Matthieu Bellanger
finally gone :)
Ben Truffini
Pierre Closset
Cyril Derkir
Jon Hicken
Tiago Malafaya
Dave Simmons
Yves Plaçais
Joel Sixou
Alberto Ibañez
Fabrice Bouchasson
Giuseppe Scaccia
Jonatan Acerclinth
Roy Magnes
Matt Richards
Richard Coxon
JB Massida
Lorenzo Arisi
David Jundt
Greg Hunt
Guillaume Siebert
Teemu Toikka
Raynald Tortay
Carl Larrad
Alessio Campigotto
Frank Verplanken
42 posters
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Matthew Brinson
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Matthew Brinson

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 22:06

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Sure you are trying to join the right server ? With the right password ? If yes try rebooting your router.

Yeah, have restarted the router but still can't get in. Connecting to HSO Caterham, something wrong with Rfactor
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 22:15

Tried joining via the lobby ?
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Matthew Brinson
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Matthew Brinson

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 22:18

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Tried joining via the lobby ?

That's how I usually try to join
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Dave Simmons
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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 22:18

Ole Marius Myrvold wrote:
Just bloody fantastic!!!!! :first:

A bit sad that Matt didn't start here today. But anyway, I finished ahead of a Supra, and three class B cars in my Toyota, from a egocentric view, it was frustrating that I got lapped on the last lap, if not I would've finished on the same lap as the leader, and only 3-4 seconds behind the guys in front of me - Simmons and Sixou!

Anyway, the car and the track just fitted me perfectly! :D

You were rapid today, great drive!! A buzzing class D bee on my rear haha.

Had a good round considering i didnt have alot of practice time. Finished 16th, Good battles with Joel, though i gave him a couple of "touring car" bumper bashes as i out breaked myself, sorry about that. Escort brakes are poo.
Shame my fellow Escort allie ddint finish =[

Thanks to Jonatan for some setup help =]
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 22:45

15 minutes pause before Caterham race 2
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Giuseppe Scaccia
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Giuseppe Scaccia

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 23:03

Great fun tonight!Great mod and track!!!

Qualifyied in 3 position of my class behind Myrvold and Magnes.

Good start in race..i climbed many position at first corners and passed Magnes...then i was seeing Myrvold in front of me 2 cars
ahead trying to catch him for first place but he was too fast corner after corner and lost him...

Then the funny long battle with Roy...great!Thanks for fun and sorry for contact.

I finished 2nd for my class.

Thanks to all,to drivers(fair) and especially to Hso.
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Ole Marius Myrvold
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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 23:08

Jon Hicken wrote:

Ole, you need to be in a higher class car after that drive! Great job!

Hope not! Razz Then I won't be able to fight for the champ. Or top positions in class ;P The car really fitted me on this track. Not sure how it will be on the flatter tracks, but it'll be interesting.

Just hoping for more Toyotas on the grid for the next race! The car is absolutely epic to drive! :D
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 23:37

All results and replays are up on the website :flag:
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 23:40

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
All results and replays are up on the website :flag:

Car picture doesn't get shown(Neither BTCC nor Caterham, where it even says ??? car). Just what is wrong? Shocked
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 23:49

Fixed Razz
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Franck Mercurio
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Franck Mercurio

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2013 - 23:56

Soirée a oublier en BTCC, je me troue en qualif, et je détruit copieusement ma caisse en course; aprés m'etre secoué un peu les neurones, j'arrive a remonter un peu, mais c'est bien trop tard drunken

En caterham, c'était plus fun, dans la première, je pointe un moment a la 5° place, mais derrière ça klaxonne sévère, hein Vincent Wink , je fini par m'en mettre une belle! Mais je suis pas le seul et j'accroche la 6.

Dans la 2° manche, je me retrouve coincé derrière 2 concurrents qui se font des politesses aux milieu de la piste après s'etre accrochés (poussez vous les gars pour vous faire des bises Laughing ) j'essaie de m'incruster, mais sa passe pas et je prends un tampon derrière, la seven a pas aimé, c'etait "holidays on ice" lol!

En tout cas c'était bien fun!

Bravo devant, merci HSO!
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 0:01

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Fixed Razz

Great! :top:

Although I wonder if it's my game or something else...
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 0:06

Tonight was so much Fun ...

The Btcc race i think i will struggle all year long with the Power of the Cosworth
but i had great fun once i managed to get past the Quicker M3's and even managed to have
a nice battle with David in the 635 which i really was not expecting just a shame i tapped him from behind ..

I Pulled over immediatly to give him the place back and lost a couple of positions while trying to get back up to speed again ...

The Caterhams are awesome but like i said on the server the race does not start until the last 5 minutes ... In the last few laps the Caterham for me is undriveable in both races it does not matter though as this mod is just so cool ... Cool

thx Guys ... :clap: :drink:
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 0:22


Was quite fun although I didn't really feel up to it after having troubles in the BTCC race while battling for first and my rFactor died with me Disco'ing, reason was a combination of bad connection and Skype Evil or Very Mad
Forgot to close it down before the event Sad

On to the races:

Hadn't done more than 10-15 laps in the Caterham before the event and that showed (a lot of leagues and school...... study )

Qualified at the back, almost, with a bad laptime...

Got a good start, messed up the braking into T1, hit the curb and flew into the pack. Sorry for that, I hope noone was affected to harshly Embarassed

Then a chase began as I was trying to catch up to the guys ahead. Caught up to other drivers and did some good passes before I was behind Matheusz (sorry for killing your name Embarassed ) and Bellanger (sorry, don't remember your first name Embarassed ) and they were battling hard.
Unfortunatly Bellanger lost it out of Knickerbrook by going onto the curbing and I had no time to react and hit him in the side head on. Sorry for that mate Sad
Tried to wait for him and he got passed before Lodge but went deep under braking.

Finished a dissapointed 18th or 19th.

For Race2 I had a resonable start, took it a lot easier and survived T1 although last...

Picked up positions and had some very good battles, one with Franck and one with Matheusz which was very enjoyable.

Sorry to Matheusz for the hit I gave you at Lodge. Tried to go past, I can't remember who, and braked to late, locked up, hit the cerb and went into your rear spinning you around Sad

Tried to stay cold and picked up a few more positions with a few misstakes here and there and finished a much much better 7th, best finish of the season Smile

Thanks for the evening, next time I will close all software I have before joining the event :doh:

Congratulations to Ole, Ben and Jesper for the wins in BTCC and congratualations to the drivers in the Caterhams, was good fun and great driving Smile

Last edited by Jonatan Acerclinth on Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 17:20; edited 1 time in total
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 0:27

Carl Larrad wrote:

a nice battle with David in the 635 which i really was not expecting just a shame i tapped him from behind ..
Same, because I thought you'd be off into the distance with the Sierra! Did you drive on the wrong side of the car? lol! Should have made it stick when you passed me the first time, I'd be 8th or 9th now Razz

But honestly, what's up with the car? Of all Group A car, this one has no drive at top speed. I am not sure about the Rover, but even the Nissan is smoking me in a straight line easily. Corners fair enough, but all of the time I lose on the straights Sad

I managed to stay in sight of Tiago and Antoine for a longer time though. But the 635 CSi is apparently not much better than the M3.

Am I the only Group A car that even has problems lapping slower cars in a straight line before the straight is over? :hihi:

10th wasn't bad, but I guess you won't see more score for the rest of the season...

Caterham: Much better. Managed to finish 3rd twice without setting the world on fire with my pace, it was just a matter of not spinning while others did. Mr Hell(He gave me some, but what's with that name?) nearly beat me, but first he spun on the bump coming from the hairpin and when he caught up to me to take the position at the last corner, he spun again. Lucky me.

"I stopped Freddy; Is he mad now?" What a Face
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Franck Mercurio
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Franck Mercurio

Number of posts : 701
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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 1:02

David Jundt wrote:
Am I the only Group A car that even has problems lapping slower cars in a straight line before the straight is over? :hihi:


look at this, Alessio, bump the sierra at the end of the hairspin (I was full throtle) and he touch the break 2 time in the straight:

But we can have fun against the classB :drink:
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 4:43

BTCC and Caterham standings are up Wink
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 4:56

One of those nightmare racing nights for me Neutral . I could have scored 5th-2nd-3rd and I ended up 12th-8th-DNF Sad .

BTCC race I was surprised to be 6th on the grid, as I had not touched the car since Silverstone and I usually rather suck at Oulton. Early laps I was following JP and Greg which was satisfactory enough, and holding back Pierre's Holden, when my shifter unclinched itself from the table on lap 6... I stopped on the grass to try and fix it but despite losing 30s in the process it was barely driveable for the rest of the race.

Caterham same thing, not a lap since Silverstone and I'm usually bad at handling two different cars in succession. I'm even more troubled with the Sierra/Caterham combo as I struggle with the change from the 5-speed gearbox grid of the Sierra to the 6-speed one of the Caterham. Shifter played havoc again anyway and I spun more times than I care to remember, until finally I pressed "esc" to put a miserable end to a shitty night.

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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 10:20

I forgot to switch to the medium tires in the BTCC race :doh: At least that allowed me to look good in front of Jesper for a few laps :aie: But the tires were cooked, I spun once and couldn't even catch JP after that Sad

First Caterham race was lonely at the front, but you can't get bored driving this car around Oulton Park Smile Second race was a lot more intense with JP always 1s behind, but luckily he never really was in a position to try to overtake. :first:

Thanks everyone for coming, congratulations to Jesper, Ben and Ole Marius, :clap: see you all at the fast and not that easy Thruxton :conduit:

J'ai oublié de passer sur les pneus mediums pour la course BTCC :doh: Au moins ça m'a permis de faire le kakou devant Jesper pour quelques tours :aie: mais après ça les pneus étaient cuits, j'ai spinné et n'ai même pas pu rattraper JP après ça Sad

La première course Caterham j'étais seul devant, mais on ne s'ennuie jamais avec cette voiture sur Oulton Park Smile La seconde était bien plus intense avec JP toujours à 1s derrière, mais heureusement jamais vraiment en position de tenter un dépassement :first:

Merci à tous d'être venu, bravo à Jesper, Beny et Ole Marius :clap: , et à la prochaine sur le rapide et pas si facile Thruxton :conduit:
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Matthieu Bellanger
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Matthieu Bellanger

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 12:12

Course Catheram, pas mieux que pour le BTCC.
Soucis de volant dans la première course. Je galère et finit par sortir et casser la voiture.
La seconde, JMarie me file un coup de main pour régler le G25, merci au passage :chinois: .
Finalement pas beaucoup plus simple la seconde course, je m'amuse en tout début de course en queue de paquet, bonne bagarre, mais je me fais sortir dans la courbe avant le grand bout droit, quand je reviens sur la piste, le pilote devant moi est a + de 20s. Plus rien a jouer, je quitte.

En espérant pouvoir faire mieux sur la prochaine.
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 13:26

Bonne soirée en BTCC pour ma part. Qualifié 2ème derrière Jonatan, en M3, on va faire toute la course à se chasser. Alors qu'on est à la bagarre depuis 13 tours, je tente un dépassement en bout de ligne droite à qui freine le plus tard, je réussi ma manoeuvre, mais malheureusement en sortie de virage, Simon se met en tête à queue devant moi et revient sur ma trajectoire, impossible à éviter. Je vais visiter le mur de pneus puis repart. Il ne reste que 3 tours, je pense donc finir 2ème derrière Jonatan. Mais celui-ci à la bonne idée de se mettre en spin après le V3, je le repasse, mon but est alors de garder un bon rythme pour minimiser un éventuel retour. Il me recolle doucement jusqu'à être à 1 sec, puis malheureusement pour lui sera déco. Je finis cette course en P1 :first: de ma classe, pas mécontent du tout. :banane:

Very nice fight and chase, Jonatan. Thanks. :frank:

Congratulations for all drivers, and podiums. :top:

Aprés ça était tranquille en Caterham, que j'appelle le mod récréation. Du fun du fun et du fun, mon dieu quelles sont joueuses ces petites voitures. :D
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 13:51

BTCC: La Rover est très amusante, le moteur fait un boucan d'enfer, malheureusement, il a rien dans le gilet. Finalement, je suis moins loin que ce que je pensais. Avec un train arrière moins "caractériel", ça pourrait faire un top 10 un de ces jours ... scratch

Caterham: Trés belles bagarres dans les 2 courses. Celle avec Franck dans la 1ere course a été géniale. C'est fou ce que la moindre erreur peut faire perdre dans ce genre de course. Pour la 2eme course, j'ai changé un peu le pincement à l'arrière pour gagner un peu en vitesse de pointe. Mauvaise idée, le comportement, déjà pas très stable dans la 1ere, est devenu carrement dangereux, et c'est un gros coup de bol si je finis 6eme.

C'était génial, Vive HSO !!!

PS : Gui, tes tableaux de résultats sur le site, ils sont formidables :top:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 14:23

Merci Vincent Smile
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Jean-Marie Placais
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Jean-Marie Placais

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 15:01

Catheram :

N'ayant pas trop pris le temps de m'entraîner, j'arrive en qualif' vraiment pas préparé. Il faut toujours un peu de temps pour s'adapter a cette voiture. Finalement les temps finissent par tomber un peu dans la premiere course. Mais partant de trop loin je neu peux remonter sur le peloton de tête. Mais une super bagarre dans les derniers tours, j en fait les frais mes pneus étant cramés.
Seconde course plus calme avec tout de meme quelques belles passes d'armes! Je maintiens ma :third: au général.

Super en tout cas ce mod, c'est un régal!!

Bravo HSO et bravo guillaume pour les tableaux de résults... J'adore!! :flag:
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Joel Sixou
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Joel Sixou

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Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd]   Round 2 - Oulton Park [January 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2013 - 16:17

:second: :champ:
Premier podium sur hso ça se fête cheers

Pour resumer, debut de course houleuse avec quelques petits accrochages.
Pas grave ça me donnera l'occasion d'aller chercher quelques pilotes qui ont profités de mes péripéties :antoine:
Bonnes arsouilles, avec Dave Wink
Finis 2eme mais il etait prevu 3eme si Jonathan n'avait pas été déconnecté.
Dommage pour Jon avec qui j'aurais bien aimé me bagarrer et qui s'est fait sortir lors du depart.
Bravo à tous et bravo aux podiums, je me suis bien amuséSmile
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