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 Server ISP #

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2 posters
David Maurath
David Maurath

Number of posts : 7
Age : 50
Location : Indianapolis, IN. USA
Registration date : 2009-01-12

Server ISP # Empty
PostSubject: Server ISP #   Server ISP # Icon_minitimeWed 11 Feb 2009 - 19:50

please just in case matchmaker is down or, like now, i cannot see any aurora servers on race day!
can we have the ISP # ?
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Server ISP # Empty
PostSubject: Re: Server ISP #   Server ISP # Icon_minitimeWed 11 Feb 2009 - 19:55 (only on raceday).
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David Maurath
David Maurath

Number of posts : 7
Age : 50
Location : Indianapolis, IN. USA
Registration date : 2009-01-12

Server ISP # Empty
PostSubject: Re: Server ISP #   Server ISP # Icon_minitimeWed 11 Feb 2009 - 19:58

viva 79
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Server ISP # Empty
PostSubject: Re: Server ISP #   Server ISP # Icon_minitime

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Server ISP #
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