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 Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]

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Florkin Marc
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Bernard Jeanmart
Yoann Quioc
Francis Houard
Ludovic Tagli
Jean-louis Petillot
Martin Audran
Richard Coxon
Gérard Ryon
Tiago Malafaya
Dave Miller
Lorenzo Arisi
Jens Kraft
Mike Becnel
Vincent Beretta
Carl Larrad
David Jundt
Patrick Marucco
Yves Plaçais
James Knowles
Guillaume Siebert
27 posters
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 14:57


Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Hocken10


EVENT SCHEDULE (all times CET, Paris time)

Thursday August 23th
9:00 PM : First Qualifying session (2 hours)

Saturday August 25th
9:00 PM : Second Qualifying session (2 hours)

Sunday August 26th
8.00 PM : Warmup
8.30 PM : Race start (75 laps)
HSO rFactor servers informations

password : hso70

The race will feature a rolling start, please check the rules if you don't know the procedure // La course démarera par un départ lancé, merci de lire le règlement si vous ne connaissez pas la procédure.

Entrants :

Guillaume Siebert
James Knowles
Yves Plaçais
Patrick Marucco
David Jundt
Carl Larrad
Vincent Beretta
Mike Becnel
Lorenzo Arisi
Richard Coxon
Jean Louis Petillot
Dave Miller
Gérard Ryon
Ludovic Tagli
Francis Houard
Yoann Quioc

Last edited by Guillaume Siebert on Mon 27 Aug 2012 - 8:49; edited 6 times in total
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 16:27

Yes, yes yes!!!!

:yaa: :yaa: :yaa:
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 16:28

présent ! :conduit:

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 58
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 16:40

Présent :conduit:

"L'important c'est de participer" - Pierre de Coubertin
Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 11
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 17:03

Oooh, same format as the F1 event.

Am I thinking right that we will use the '67 layout that has only the Ostkurve and the whole Motodrom as "slow sections"? Razz


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 467
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 17:10

Present Twisted Evil

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 18
Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Untitl22

What we do Monday to Friday Keeps us up with the Competition ...
What we do Saturday and Sunday Keeps us ahead ...
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 17:12

David Jundt wrote:
Oooh, same format as the F1 event.

Am I thinking right that we will use the '67 layout that has only the Ostkurve and the whole Motodrom as "slow sections"? Razz

Nope Hockenheim has chicanes since 1970, would be very boring otherwise :D
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 17:19

Then don't use the event poster of '69 Razz

So the '79 version?


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 467
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 17:26

Poster changed Razz

How about you download the track and test Razz
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 18:19

Well, on my assumptions, I tried the '67 one yesterday.

Apart from the strange fact my DynHUD doesn't work in my HSO install and the AI crashing of at Ostkurve and the entrance of the Motodrom, it's nice Razz

Well then, '79 we go...

But WHY doesn't my DynHUD work anymore? It just doesn't show up on my screen all of a sudden, I even tried both WSC70 and GSGT70 form the rfm files to make it show in the right mod, but nothing happens...


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 467
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 18:32

I don't know, maybe it has to do with the strange way the cars are sorted ingame (Sports 5000/Porsche 917/Sports 5000 for the 917 for example), I'm guessing its for the very same reason that the cars names aren't displayed in our hotlaps tool.
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
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Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 18:33

It worked with the Ford GT40 in the last two races before I switched to the Ferrari Sad

EDIT: Maybe I should add the car name...


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 467
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 18:56

Guillaume-why two qualifying sessions?

Non big deal deal-just curious Very Happy
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 19:21

Because the race will start earlier than usual, because of its length Wink
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 19:26

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Because the race will start earlier than usual, because of its length Wink

Aha-I see.

Thanks for remebering us 'across the pond' with the Saturday session Very Happy
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 19:58

75 tours, à plus de 2 min le tour, ça fait un bon 2 heures et demi cette histoire là. affraid Si qqun peut me vendre une poche urinaire ...

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 3
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 20:53

Not much more than 2 minutes, I did 2:14 with a front right flat tyre :D

Btw: It still doesn't work. My other install is fine. I could choose from WSC70 and CSGT70 to LMT70. The 2 two first mentioned don't work anymore, it was fine when I used the GT40 and the WSC70 as the saving name(taken from the rfm file).

Darn, why you no work?

Has the Ferrari broken the "IT'S... OVER NINETHOUSAND!" barrier?


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 467
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

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Registration date : 2012-04-16

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 21:22

Vincent Beretta wrote:
75 tours, à plus de 2 min le tour, ça fait un bon 2 heures et demi cette histoire là. affraid Si qqun peut me vendre une poche urinaire ...

Guillaume-are driver changes allowed?

I do not think I can do a nearly three hour race by myself. The kids will go nuts. I will have to lock the knives away from my wife.

Would halfing the race distance be an option? Perhaps a ninety minute time limit race?
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 21:26

I think track and race length, resulting in the mentioned distance, have been known for quite some time now. SO I don't think Gui will cut it down...

Not that I want it anyway :D Maybe some brake failures gonna come our way? Razz


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 467
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 21:38

Nope no half distance or driver changes, The real race was like that, and i think its pretty cool to end the series with this hardcore race. :cowboy: There were 9 finishers out of 17 starters 2 years ago by the way.
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 21:42


Now where did I put my in car port a potty? (also known as a large gatorade bottle)

Oh thank GOODNESS for the pause button for test running the full race offline!!

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 458
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 22:23

Mike Becnel wrote:

Now where did I put my in car port a potty? (also known as a large gatorade bottle)

Oh thank GOODNESS for the pause button for test running the full race offline!!

Here you go, Mike. This can be added to your sim rig...


Guess some carefully timed pit stops will be in order, but I will stay in this one as long as I can....
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Jens Kraft
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Jens Kraft

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Aug 2012 - 23:42

Any horsepower upgrade for the small economic 906 02?

a 906 11 of 2011 would prolly be much faster :D
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Lorenzo Arisi
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Lorenzo Arisi

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeWed 15 Aug 2012 - 10:54


Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 13
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitimeWed 15 Aug 2012 - 18:07

James Knowles wrote:

Here you go, Mike. This can be added to your sim rig...


Guess some carefully timed pit stops will be in order, but I will stay in this one as long as I can....

Oh now that IS good but my Gatorade bottle is cheaper and a superb example of recycling.

If you want the ultimate endurance simulation put on a driver suit (2 layer at least), helmet and gloves. Then turn your heater on 110 and put two fans in the room blowing in different directions (so you get all the heat everywhere). 3 hours of that and the least of your worries is having to pee. I have done it a few times. I have lost up to 12 pounds in 3 hours. Last time was at the Gatorama 24 hours of LeMons (that is spelled correct) in the houston area (Motor Sports Ranch Houston - it is a track you can get for rFactor).

Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] 458
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PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]   Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th] Icon_minitime

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Round 6 - Hockenheim [August 26th]
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