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 AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]

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Dave Miller
Jean-louis Petillot
Philippe Martinelli
Lorenzo Arisi
Nils Lüdemann
Ben Paulet
Vincent Beretta
Patrick Marucco
Mike Becnel
Tiago Malafaya
Yves Plaçais
Alberto Ibañez
Guillaume Siebert
Richard Coxon
Frank Verplanken
19 posters
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Jul 2012 - 13:00

Not really, but you can get your laps more consistently, sometimes, you'll have to mix up softs/meds meds/hards depending on the track, it's almost a lottery. In qualifying we only do 5 laps, so probably the softs can handle it, but don't expect much more from them
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Philippe Martinelli
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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Jul 2012 - 17:44

Absent, amusez-vous bien Wink
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Jul 2012 - 19:03

Jean Ceuré :frank:
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Jean-louis Petillot
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Jean-louis Petillot

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 10 Jul 2012 - 9:08

présent si j'arrive à temps à la maison !! :top:
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Dave Miller
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Dave Miller

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 10 Jul 2012 - 20:20

Booking in please
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 11 Jul 2012 - 17:01

arf, apéro chez un voisin, j'espère être à l'heure !
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 11 Jul 2012 - 19:26

absent je suis rentre trop tard :smil20:
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 11 Jul 2012 - 19:30

La course est bien demain hein! Wink

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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 8:03

Martin Audran wrote:
La course est bien demain hein! Wink

Effectivement, Martin, j'étais resté sur le traditionnel mercredi, tant mieux !
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 17:41

Sorry absent finalement :smil20:
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 19:00

Race server launched pass : hso87
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 19:40

Remember that his meeting comprises 6 sprints, so late arrival can join even if they missed the first(s) one(s) Wink
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Franck Mercurio
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Franck Mercurio

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AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 22:20

Vraiment très sympa ces sprint cheers

Que du bon sur l’ensemble des courses, de bons fight :yaa: , des adversaires fair-play :top:

J'aurais même pu accrocher un podium, mais j'ai buté sur Tiago qui prenait toute la route avec sa grosse Ford pleine de couple :grrr: lol!

Bravo à tous :clap: , félicitations aux vainqueurs :champ: , merci HSO pour cette soirée pleine de fun :top: :chinois:
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 22:24

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: j ai jaimais imaginé que ce champ serait passé du mercredi habituel au jeudi :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 22:24

Great stuff, REALLY REALLY enjoyed it!! Didnt enjoy my bump up the backside in the last race (Thanks frank Wink only joking)

Cant wait for the 100 lps of this place, Felt more at ease with every extra lap. Thanks for hosting Very Happy
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Nils Lüdemann
Nils Lüdemann

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AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 22:26


Yes, this was very funny tonight!

Grats for the mega-fast aliens in front of the grid!

Had very cool fights with Franck, Dave, Ben,... great stuff!

But I get nervous when I think of the Amaroo race with the distance of 100 laps, with the Mustang - this will be an orgy of tire changing... :doh:
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 22:34

Nils Lüdemann wrote:
But I get nervous when I think of the Amaroo race with the distance of 100 laps, with the Mustang - this will be an orgy of tire changing... :doh:

Amen to that :chinois:

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 22:50

OK so I'm having a bit of a hard time to do the race standings ^^ . The new site cannot compute aggregate results for one race if the heats of the said race do not all have the same number of laps. At least that's my understanding. I'm sure Gui will fix that in no time. But more importantly, and to my great shame Embarassed , I switched too fast from race 4 to race 5 so the server did not have time to create the xml export file and replay for the second 5-lapper...

So in order to do the aggregate standings I need you all to please try and remember where you finished and if possible with an estimation of the gap you had with the people finishing around you Smile .

1 Tiago
2 Lorenzo (+00s2)
3 Frank (+04s0)
4 ?
5 ?
6 ?
7 ?
8 ?
9 ?
10 ?
11 ?
12 ?

Sorry about the mishap guys... It seems running such weird formats is too much for my poor admin skills ^^ . I also had the pressure of having the best simracing fan in the world in the back seat of my car, so I was too much focused on being awesome on track I guess :D !
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 22:56

12. Mike Becnel (noooo doubt)

But I had a LOT of fun scrapping with whichever victim got relegated back there with me. Love this series. I suspect I will not be able to make any more races though, work schedule is going back to normal and the boss may not like me racing at ~1PM. Sad

Edit: I highly recommend the sprints to pad those race finish % stats :D
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 23:03

And also once again all my apologies to Richard for the bump in the last race :s . Thought you died on the spot, was glad to see you survived and climbed back up the standings :top: !
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 23:11

If the Nissan was a left-hand drive car i would have died the way the passenger door hit them barrier's!! Laughing

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Jul 2012 - 23:16

Race 1 - Final Standings (1A+1B+1C)

1 Lorenzo Arisi 30 laps, 25mn52s03
2 Frank Verplanken 30 laps, 26mn09s89
3 Tiago Malafaya 30 laps, 26mn30s90
4 Richard Coxon 30 laps, 26mn49s3
5 Franck Mercurio 30 laps, 26mn57s25
6 Ben Paulet 30 laps, 27mn06s65
7 Yves Plaçais 30 laps, 27mn17s97
8 Nils Luedemann 30 laps, 27mn22s51
9 Alberto Ibanez 29 laps, 26mn53s96
10 Dave Miller 29 laps, 27mn01s18
11 Mike Becnel 29 laps, 27mn15s76
12 Elia Baragiola 27 laps, DNF

I have updated the AMSCAR championships standings in the first post of this thread. I'll update it with Race 2 (2A+2B+2C) when I will have sorted out the 2A mess.
The available Sprint results (5 out of 6) are now on the site. I'll look into the replays and the missing results later.
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Jul 2012 - 1:15

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Race 1 - Final Standings

11 Mike Becnel 29 laps, 27mn15s76

Not last? Shocked

Does this mean I can upgrade my status from "Sucks" to "Able to pass road kill??" :rigol:

Note - were it not for Elia having a pretty bad DNF I would have safely secured dead last place.

I want to know where all the other slow pokes were who could barely turn the lap times i turned. I was expecting 4 to 6 slow pokes like myself. Bummer! Somebody has to give Lorenzo something to pass towards race end guys!!
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Jul 2012 - 8:21

A pretty amusing evening, we even raced with public in the grandstands AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 788525 though not as female and more hairy than we would have wished AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 228364

Since I am not able to take part in race 3 due to vacations in August, I took it as a fun event and simply battled around with anything that moved. Somewhen in one of the stints my wheel took off from the desktop (It had been clean up day in the room so it seems it had been loosened a bit) and I went straight off in a braking area crossing Yves' path -sorry mate Embarassed - of course with the wheel loosened it took only some more turns to go completely out and I stalled the engine. Fastened the screw quickly, restarted and joined near Mike Becnel, so decided to have some fun with him, and we certainly did Very Happy

Stint 2 in race 1 was a fun battle with Ben, but softs did not last out the punishment and went up to 150º, so I had to back off AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 161590

To top the crazyness I forgot to load more fuel for stint 3 in race 2, and had only for 10 laps AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 161590 AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 161590 I let everybody overtake me at the start and tried to make an econo-drive by early shifting What a Face but it was impossible and I had to pit for 4 laps of fuel AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 484331

Good luck in the 100 laps event AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 529837
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Jean-louis Petillot
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Jean-louis Petillot

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PostSubject: Re: AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th]   AMSCAR Sprints - Amaroo Park [July 12th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Jul 2012 - 9:25

rentré trop tard et trop fatigué hier soir pale
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