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 Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!

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5 posters
Lukas Paur
Lukas Paur

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jun 2012 - 3:14

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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jun 2012 - 9:32

Finally drunken
I wonder why they called it 1991-1996, and not 1990-2001 ?
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jun 2012 - 10:19

Because the current pit building was built in the summer of 1990, and the Dunlop chicane has changed in 1997 Wink
Away from home for 5 days, can't wait to test What a Face
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jun 2012 - 15:02

Hmmm i know a certain mod that would be good there :antoine:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jun 2012 - 15:09

The pocketbikes of course :conduit:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jun 2012 - 15:31

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
The pocketbikes of course :conduit:

I Wish , i could not find a working link for them .... :antoine:
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David Cid
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David Cid

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jun 2012 - 16:37

Rolling Eyes 90's... its allmost present days :D
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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!   Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally! Icon_minitime

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Circuit de la Sarthe 91-96 by VLM finally!
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