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 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles

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Olivier Mathieu
David Jundt
Luis Garcia
Nils Lüdemann
Dave Miller
Antoine de Mautor
Yves Plaçais
Francis Houard
Mike Becnel
Viorel Manolescu
Felipe Elias
Frank Verplanken
James Knowles
Ludovic Tiengou
Ben Paulet
Jan Sproule
Simon Wattman
Kevin Ransom
Ryan von Steinen
Shawn Van Roosmalen
Laurent Binet
Gianluca Desposito
Greg Hunt
Bernard Jeanmart
Alberto Ibañez
Osni Kniess
Paul Nadeau
Jerry Huffman
Florkin Marc
Jon Hawkins
Elia Baragiola
Steve Parker
Franck Mercurio
Yannick Lampure
Lorenzo Arisi
Trevor Greene
Ludovic Tagli
Gérard Ryon
Jason White
Patrick Marucco
Yoann Quioc
Vincent Beretta
Jean-louis Petillot
Martin Audran
Tiago Malafaya
Alexis Querette
Philippe Bousquet
David Cid
Alessio Campigotto
Diego Dário
Carl Larrad
Guillaume Siebert
58 posters
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 15 Jul 2012 - 1:35

Good choice David, I liked the black one also (until I jumped into the #2 Ferrari).

Good luck and enjoy the next race. This track is a cruel one. :urgence:

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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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Registration date : 2011-12-29

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 15 Jul 2012 - 1:50

Alfa Romeo #36 is now Free
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 15 Jul 2012 - 9:10

David Jundt wrote:
Salut les gars!

Okay, this is as far as I'll go with my French for now...

Looks like I barely have a choice left with the car now, so I am kind of forced to drive a certain one.

Luckily, it perfectly fits my current avatar! Wink

I'd like to take the #60 Ecurie Evergreen GT40, too bad it hasn't got Gulf colours(but Alain De Cadenet driving it).

(Just seen Alain De Cadenet on Motors TV during Le Mans Classic. The "Best of" broadcast was a farce. It felt like 2/3 blablabla(raconter des histoires Alain, eh?) and 1/3 actual footage of the cars. Best thing was when Alain said such an event deserves good coverage. Well, I am still waiting for that to happen Alain! Rolling Eyes )

Well, yeah... Let's see if I can tease some of you :D

Welcome at HSO David Smile :hello:
Yeah the GT40 is very slow but there will be free cars for sure after Croft, you'll be allowed to change if you want to. There's already a free Alfa Smile
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 15 Jul 2012 - 23:16

Cars list updated after Croft // Liste des voitures à jour après Croft
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Olivier Mathieu
Club Driver
Olivier Mathieu

Number of posts : 117
Age : 56
Location : VITRIVAL Belgium
Registration date : 2009-11-13

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 16 Jul 2012 - 9:04

Sorry pour le doublon #40 pale

Si je peux poursuivre le championnat avec la 908 Gesipa # 17


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Jens Kraft
Experienced Driver
Jens Kraft

Number of posts : 385
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Location : Ruhr District, Germany
Registration date : 2010-01-31

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue 24 Jul 2012 - 0:16

Martini International Racing Team
#45 : Dave Miller
#55 : Free

with a little money from the Finnish-Wood-Restauration-Drinking-Team (FWD-Team :champ: ) and Forest-Memorial-Vodka-Club (FMvC :drink: :urgence: ), the Club members managed to buy the economically driving fuel_and_nature saver Jens Craft a cockpit in the #55 for at least the Keimolan GP.
:regl: Dependant solely on his Fuel Saving in the race == :hum: / :doh: ==, the members of the clubs will decide wheter to go on funding his race future race-seat :D

Despite the fast Alfa being Free for chose, Jens overlooked the car with a shaking head:

How can a 3000cc prototype be so fuel-wastive??? Question Shocked

maybe it is driven by the the woman ... affraid "Guilietta"?
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Tony DAndrea
Tony DAndrea

Number of posts : 35
Age : 55
Location : Rome Italy
Registration date : 2012-07-26

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 2 Aug 2012 - 13:18

#55 : Tony D'Andrea Porsche 908/2
may i request this car for the last two races of the series?

kind regards

Tony D'Andrea
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Tony DAndrea
Tony DAndrea

Number of posts : 35
Age : 55
Location : Rome Italy
Registration date : 2012-07-26

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 2 Aug 2012 - 13:22

sorry I don't understand the post above regarding the #55 Porsche 908/2, but if it is no longer available, as an alternative I could take the Porsche 908/2 flounder - #11

many thanks.

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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 2 Aug 2012 - 13:38

Ok Tony Wink
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Diego Dário
Experienced Driver
Diego Dário

Number of posts : 271
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Registration date : 2010-08-02

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSat 11 Aug 2012 - 0:17

I won't be able to make the next two races, so my car is free. Neutral
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 13:30

Martini International Racing Team #55 : Free

If not to late to join in for the last race of the season.

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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 13:58

Well as you'll race only at Hockenheim, I wouldn't advice chosing the very low powered 908 here. Smile
But its your choice!
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 14:00

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Well as you'll race only at Hockenheim, I wouldn't advice chosing the very low powered 908 here. Smile
But its your choice!

Ok is it possible to change to the spare 917k, David Piper?
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 14:02

No prob Wink
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Jens Kraft
Experienced Driver
Jens Kraft

Number of posts : 385
Age : 41
Location : Ruhr District, Germany
Registration date : 2010-01-31

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 19:17

what a load !!!!!!!! Embarassed Embarassed pale

i had love-eyes with 917k all times but didnt dare to ask for a change.

a) work for the admins

b) finnish wood preservation group cant pay so much :D

c) jsut for one race ...

--> now i see:
-its the last race anyways
-finnish would racers arent sober yet anyways
-admins dont care
-race is so long i will be lapped anbd my 906 performance was real good.

bite me! :aie: :aie: :drink: :conduit: :spy:
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Mike Becnel
Racing Legend
Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
Age : 56
Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 19:27

The top 906 drivers will have plenty of not so top 512/917/Lola drivers to race with Jens. Also, the super fast 512s will likely need 2 stops.

Edit: and I switched from the #60 GT40 to the #2 Ferrari by asking real nice and watching the forum for someone to drop. Last I checked I was not an admin.

You forgot to use the proper smiley faces in your post: :doh: Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

You need a full roll of cheddar cheese with all that whine Laughing Wink

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Jens Kraft
Experienced Driver
Jens Kraft

Number of posts : 385
Age : 41
Location : Ruhr District, Germany
Registration date : 2010-01-31

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 19:33

i am an idiot when i try to bring it over as heartful as i mean it.

at least you know it- and luckily you help me :D


hmmmmmmm once again.

you help me :clap: :clap:

and i bring smileys over the wrong way, sorry *duck-hide*
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Mike Becnel
Racing Legend
Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
Age : 56
Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 19:59

Yea, I can see you speaking the Germa-English. It does not work well because the way German expresses a "no" or "negative" frequently happens at the end of the sentence where as in English is it close to the verb or action. (in summary, it is hard to tell when you are joking)
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
Age : 35
Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012 - 23:33

Spoken/written so much English I tend to swap to it when talking to a German on TS, it has taken it's toll on me Rolling Eyes

(Not to mention you can mostly see it when I joke: That's the Swiss for you)
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2015 - 18:13

hi fellas,

just explore the history here
want to ask the wsc70 mod is still a keeper for racing here at HSO
did some laps with the 5000L class at my new daytona and its also a great experience aswel historX
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles   1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2015 - 18:34

It is not expected in the near future.
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1970 InterSerie : Available cars | Voitures disponibles
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