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 Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]

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Martin Audran
Lorenzo Arisi
Greg Hunt
Philippe Martinelli
Simon Wattman
Patrick Marucco
Yannick Lampure
Edgar Medina
Frank Verplanken
Philippe Bousquet
John Cook
Vincent Beretta
Yoann Quioc
Alessio Campigotto
Tiago Malafaya
Jason White
Carl Larrad
Guillaume Siebert
23 posters
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 8:36

Quote :
Yeah, the league of the perfect french drivers, i guess

There is a point in any discussion when someone forgets the reasoned arguments and starts calling any german "nazi", any english "cheater" or any french "conceited", to name some. It's old, it's poor, and as far as HSO is concerned, it's waaaay off the mark. Your personal feud with Antoine only concerns you both, but in this league I have found some of the nicest and most patient guys around, french or not, so I'm not happy to read such things -specially when they are so badly wrong. And it won't help much your cause either.
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Steve Parker
Racing Legend
Steve Parker

Number of posts : 2000
Age : 65
Location : England uk
Registration date : 2008-12-22

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 8:51

Well done Philippe :first: Great drive :clap: my first laps round the track was in qualy,so used that to set car up for race,had couple of good battles in race,with Frank :drink: then yoann :D and managed to finish so happy with that :banane:


Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 16
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 8:55

Looks like I will have to look at the replay once again :D

Bravo Philippe ! cheers
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 9:31

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
There is a point in any discussion when someone forgets the reasoned arguments and starts calling any german "nazi", any english "cheater" or any french "conceited", to name some. It's old, it's poor, and as far as HSO is concerned, it's waaaay off the mark. Your personal feud with Antoine only concerns you both, but in this league I have found some of the nicest and most patient guys around, french or not, so I'm not happy to read such things -specially when they are so badly wrong. And it won't help much your cause either.


Thou shalt not train.
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Patrick Marucco
Racing Legend
Patrick Marucco

Number of posts : 2399
Age : 68
Location : Joué les Tours
Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 9:35

Alberto Ibañez wrote:

There is a point in any discussion when someone forgets the reasoned arguments and starts calling any german "nazi", any english "cheater" or any french "conceited", to name some. It's old, it's poor, and as far as HSO is concerned, it's waaaay off the mark. Your personal feud with Antoine only concerns you both, but in this league I have found some of the nicest and most patient guys around, french or not, so I'm not happy to read such things -specially when they are so badly wrong. And it won't help much your cause either.

Alberto you have not written in French but you're very well written nonetheless :papy:
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Antoine de Mautor
League Owner
Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
Age : 36
Location : Nantes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 9:38

Like it or not, I hadn't been involved in a single incident since the beginning of the season before crossing paths with you Edgar. I certainly am not the fastest out there, but certainly one the most experienced and I rarely make mistakes unless forced to. Yesterday I never meant to overtake you, simply to drive on the inside not to lose too much ground, and you just had to go round the outside to have thegood line for the next corner. Apparently your thinking doesn't go that deep, and you prefered to force me onto the kerb which made me spin. Your sportsmanship is terrible on track. I guess you've been watching too much Formula 1 lately, (I watched the latest race yesterday and their diving was even worse than yours for the most part), but that's no excuse. When you arrive in a league you must take the time to understand how things go, especially when you receive a formal warning in the very first race. For example, Alessio did receive such a warning and have been steadily improving since then.

Moreover, and that's more personal, this league I've been creating with 3 good friends years ago now has always been a home for sportsmanship and clean historic racing. By driving this poorly, you're spoiling my fun as a driver, but nevermind I can get over that. You're mostly spoiling my satisfaction as an administrator, and that's why I'm particularly upset at you. I, for one, had had enough good results in my simracing "career" and will never whine for a few points, however sportsmanship is definitely what I go for when racing, and those who race me know it. Apparently you don't even know what it is, so I really hope you don't bother showing up again, we definitely don't share the same values...

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Signature%20Antoine
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 10:03

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Looks like I will have to look at the replay once again :D

pense a bien décortiquer mon départ et prends en de la graine pour la der lol! lol! lol! lol! ca c est du départ d un mec qui va finir 4 eme du champ :langue: :langue: :langue: :langue: j attends les felicitations de l admini en chef :hihi: :hihi:

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 849
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Patrick Marucco
Racing Legend
Patrick Marucco

Number of posts : 2399
Age : 68
Location : Joué les Tours
Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 10:55

Encore une course ou j'ai pris grand plaisir à participer
J'ai essayé de rouler proprement sans trop me trainer :D

J'ai amelioré mon chrono en qualif et je suis 16eme sur la grille
Apres avoir pris un départ correct, je benificie de quelques sorties de piste pour boucler mon 1er ou 2eme tour en 11eme position Very Happy

je roule un bon tiers de la course en compagnie de John, Vincent, Sebastien et Phil :top:
Avec l'arrivée des leaders qui me prennent dejà 1 tour la course devient tout autre
je passe plus de temps à regarder mes retros et les drapeaux bleus que mes adversaires devant moi, c'est la course Wink

je termine à une honorable 12eme place qui me satisfait pleinement Very Happy

Bravo à Philippe Bousquet pour sa victoire, à Tiago pour sa belle remontée, à Greg et au malheureux Lorenzo qui a tout de même reussi à terminer la course dans des chronos tres corrects sans capot avant :top:

Le final promet d'être passionnant Wink
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 11:03

Greg Goissen wrote:
Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Looks like I will have to look at the replay once again :D

pense a bien décortiquer mon départ et prends en de la graine pour la der lol! lol! lol! lol! ca c est du départ d un mec qui va finir 4 eme du champ :langue: :langue: :langue: :langue: j attends les felicitations de l admini en chef :hihi: :hihi:

Je vais sortir un patch pour le mod juste avant la course, avec des pneus style GroupC, ça devrait m'aider à finir 4ème. :D
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 11:08

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Greg Goissen wrote:
Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Looks like I will have to look at the replay once again :D

pense a bien décortiquer mon départ et prends en de la graine pour la der lol! lol! lol! lol! ca c est du départ d un mec qui va finir 4 eme du champ :langue: :langue: :langue: :langue: j attends les felicitations de l admini en chef :hihi: :hihi:

Je vais sortir un patch pour le mod juste avant la course, avec des pneus style GroupC, ça devrait m'aider à finir 4ème. :D

ENFOIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: :bangry: :bangry: :bangry: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 849
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 12:56

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Je vais sortir un patch pour le mod juste avant la course, avec des pneus style GroupC, ça devrait m'aider à finir 4ème. :D

Don't do that, yesterday my FL tyre was already burning up :D
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 13:02

The patch will only concern the Begg of course. :spy:
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 13:11

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
The patch will only concern the Begg of course. :spy:

ah, good :D

And make it that somewhow it blows up during the start :hihi:
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 13:40

Quote :
ah, good Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 788525

And make it that somewhow it blows up during the start Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 228364

*Just to be sure* lol! lol! lol!
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Philippe Martinelli
Racing Legend

Number of posts : 1079
Age : 69
Location : Beausoleil, France
Registration date : 2008-12-13

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 16:21

Course rendue compliquée par l'erreur que je commets dans le premier tour... :aie:

Dans le virage avant la bosse, je perds l'arrière et fait un demi tête à queue dans le dégagement qu'il y a sur la droite de la piste... Le temps de manoeuvrer pour repartir, j'ai perdu environ 15 secondes et je me retrouvé dernier...

Je me suis amusé à tenter de revenir sur quelques pilotes à ma portée, comme Alessio et Patrick, avec qui on s'est bien amusés Very Happy
Puis j'ai passé le reste de la course à rattraper John et à laisser passer entre-temps, les plus rapides qui nous prennaient un tour... Impossible de dépasser Jhon, mais la lutte m'a bien amusée et bravo à lui pour sa dixième place :top:

Bravo Philippe et le podium, ainsi que tous les participants et merci HSO :top:
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Gérard Ryon
Pro Driver
Gérard Ryon

Number of posts : 798
Age : 68
Location : Antwerpen (Belgique)
Registration date : 2009-05-25

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 14 May 2012 - 17:33

La meilleure course,depuis que j'ai débuté la F5000.Les premier tours,avec Edgar ont été chaud.J'ai ralentit pour le laisser passer,car il était plus rapide que moi.Sa tentative de dépassement,au bout de la longue ligne droite,aurait plus mal se terminer. affraid
:clap: Philippe et a tous les participants.
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Edgar Medina

Number of posts : 13
Age : 37
Location : Colombia
Registration date : 2012-04-17

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 15 May 2012 - 4:27

Antoine de Mautor wrote:
Like it or not, I hadn't been involved in a single incident since the beginning of the season before crossing paths with you Edgar. I certainly am not the fastest out there, but certainly one the most experienced and I rarely make mistakes unless forced to. Yesterday I never meant to overtake you, simply to drive on the inside not to lose too much ground, and you just had to go round the outside to have thegood line for the next corner. Apparently your thinking doesn't go that deep, and you prefered to force me onto the kerb which made me spin. Your sportsmanship is terrible on track. I guess you've been watching too much Formula 1 lately, (I watched the latest race yesterday and their diving was even worse than yours for the most part), but that's no excuse. When you arrive in a league you must take the time to understand how things go, especially when you receive a formal warning in the very first race. For example, Alessio did receive such a warning and have been steadily improving since then.

Moreover, and that's more personal, this league I've been creating with 3 good friends years ago now has always been a home for sportsmanship and clean historic racing. By driving this poorly, you're spoiling my fun as a driver, but nevermind I can get over that. You're mostly spoiling my satisfaction as an administrator, and that's why I'm particularly upset at you. I, for one, had had enough good results in my simracing "career" and will never whine for a few points, however sportsmanship is definitely what I go for when racing, and those who race me know it. Apparently you don't even know what it is, so I really hope you don't bother showing up again, we definitely don't share the same values...

Why you just don't calm down? you insulted me in the chat and thats why i responded the way i did. Yes, i love F1, i think doing agressive moves is normal, touching wheels is normal. I didn't saw you there yesterday, i just felt a small contact in the rear. After that i saw the replay and i realized the cause of your insult. We had a lot of fun the last race, until you got mad because i was doing "illegal" moves to block you. Why didn't you get a warrant because of your crazy move to recover your position -after my LEGAL move-? i think you need to take it easy, i'm not trying to take you out of the track all the time, i guess we're having bad luck on track and that's all.
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Antoine de Mautor
League Owner
Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
Age : 36
Location : Nantes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 15 May 2012 - 8:40

This would happen in any other league, I wouldn't say anything and just concentrate on what I do. Big difference, this is MY league, and when you're behaving poorly here, on track and on the forums, is pretty much like you were coming into my living-room, taking your trousers down and taking a shit on my carpet :bangry: And I don't like that

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Signature%20Antoine
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 15 May 2012 - 13:22

Antoine de Mautor wrote:
.... is pretty much like you were coming into my living-room, taking your trousers down and taking a shit on my carpet :bangry: And I don't like that

lol! lol! lol! :rigol: :rigol: :rigol:
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PostSubject: Re: Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]   Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th] - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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Round 7 - Lime Rock Park [May 13th]
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