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 searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP

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Martin Audran
Mickael Forestier
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Mickael Forestier
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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeMon 2 Jan 2012 - 23:13

Hi all, i've been searching for this mod for a while and couldn't find it, maybe some of you know the link, here's a small video of what i'm looking for :

thx Smile

gigabyte P55 - core i5 760 - 12go ram ddr3 10600 - HD5770 vapor x - ssd 60go windows 7 - 2 HDD 500go et 1to -OCZ mod X stream pro 700W - playseat - G25 - GI Max Gear Indicator - écran 22 pouces
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeMon 2 Jan 2012 - 23:17

The only time I saw a 333SP in a video game was in "Le Mans 24 hours" game scratch

Can't help you sorry!

searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP 4
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finally gone :)
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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeMon 2 Jan 2012 - 23:22

Essaye ca (apparemment c'est ca http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=S%C3%A9rie%20Internationale%20Du%20Mans, chais pas si c'est le meme)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JI8D4KO5 (password f1classic)

http://newarchive.simjunkies.org/discussion/9582/asj-f1-1982-race-4 :urgence:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeTue 3 Jan 2012 - 10:24

Topic moved in the right forum section Wink
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Mickael Forestier
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Mickael Forestier

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeTue 3 Jan 2012 - 12:12

merci Gui, pinaize faut que je m'y fasse à la nouvelle orga ^^

edit : merci JP mais les liens ne contiennent que des autos modernes :/ pas de trace de la 333 SP Sad

j'ai retrouvé la trace de la team : http://chaoszeromoddinghome.blogspot.com/2011_11_01_archive.html

mais pas de la ferrari ....

gigabyte P55 - core i5 760 - 12go ram ddr3 10600 - HD5770 vapor x - ssd 60go windows 7 - 2 HDD 500go et 1to -OCZ mod X stream pro 700W - playseat - G25 - GI Max Gear Indicator - écran 22 pouces
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeTue 3 Jan 2012 - 13:40

Mickael Forestier wrote:
merci Gui, pinaize faut que je m'y fasse à la nouvelle orga ^^

edit : merci JP mais les liens ne contiennent que des autos modernes :/ pas de trace de la 333 SP Sad

j'ai retrouvé la trace de la team : http://chaoszeromoddinghome.blogspot.com/2011_11_01_archive.html

mais pas de la ferrari ....

On the video, he says that the 333sp could not be released due to legal reasons.

Sur la video, il a parle a le 333sp n'a pas pu etre liberes pour des raisons legales.

Je suis desole, je n'ai pas d'accents sur mon clavier.
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Francesco D'Aloia

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2012 - 16:57

Hello everybody, I'm ChaosZero, the autor of the video and co-autor of the mod that originally featured that car and then changed name... As I wrote we weren't able to release it due to enormous problems with legal things that involved various Ferrari like 333SP, 599XX and others.

A while back, by the way, someone - I don't remember his name, sorry - contacted me asking if there were any Ferrari avaible for an historic league that was for "private use/pay for race league" or whatever - I don't remember that too - and I uploaded and sent him a link with our historic Ferrari that needed some work with rFm and such things. As a lot of time passed by since our problems (They claimed to close my YT channel for example), I think it's ok to give you a public link on this, it includes 333SP, 330P4, 250GTO (?), F40LM (?) and F50 (?). Cars with "?" I'm not sure if I included them, .rar was uploaded months ago.

By the way I'm sorry if this was an old topic, it's just that I downloaded today F5000 mod and noticed that request while surfing around...


Just a request. This is an unfinished project that wasn't scheduled for release. Don't "spam" it all around the web, the less it's known, the better for everyone.

Goodbye and best regards.
Francesco "ChaosZero" D'Aloia
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2012 - 20:21

Che bella! Grazie Francesco, absolutely beautiful!
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2012 - 20:55

Nice from you to take the time to post this Wink
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Empty
PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitimeSun 22 Apr 2012 - 21:20

Does anyone have the file? If so, could you PM me it?
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PostSubject: Re: searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP   searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP Icon_minitime

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searching for ILMS mod to drive ferrari 333 SP
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