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 GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week

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2 posters
Anton Tsepulin
Anton Tsepulin

Number of posts : 16
Age : 37
Location : UA
Registration date : 2009-04-12

GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Empty
PostSubject: GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week   GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Icon_minitimeSun 4 Sep 2011 - 7:23

Hi everyone!

Im glad to invite the GPL-lovers to our new international champ based on Sports Car GT 1967 mod for Grand Prix Legends. The 1st run will begin 10th os September. We hope to collect a cool company where the best russian GPL racers can compete with the best of France =).
So, if youre interested', here are the links:

ORSL site
Our Leagues (iRacing & GPL)
ORSL Sports Car 1967 shedule
Registration to the 1st event (you need to register at the site, then fill GPL license with your in-game login and choose a car number there)

If you have some questions, im glad to answer Wink
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Antoine de Mautor
League Owner
Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
Age : 36
Location : Nantes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Empty
PostSubject: Re: GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week   GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Icon_minitimeSun 4 Sep 2011 - 15:08

Very interesting!! We will have a GT67 here next year as well, but in the meantime I'd like to warm up in this series. Smile

However, Saturdays are definitely not doing it for me Crying or Very sad Is it possible to enter only a few events?? By the way, I used google translation to read the rules so I probably missed stuff, including the chassis' use rules :hum:
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Anton Tsepulin
Anton Tsepulin

Number of posts : 16
Age : 37
Location : UA
Registration date : 2009-04-12

GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Empty
PostSubject: Re: GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week   GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Icon_minitimeSun 4 Sep 2011 - 18:35

Antoine de Mautor wrote:
Very interesting!! We will have a GT67 here next year as well, but in the meantime I'd like to warm up in this series. Smile

However, Saturdays are definitely not doing it for me Crying or Very sad Is it possible to enter only a few events?? By the way, I used google translation to read the rules so I probably missed stuff, including the chassis' use rules :hum:
Good to hear, you're interested, Antoine! Of course, we'll put compacted translated rules, if there will be non-russian speaking players. Yeah, you may enter only the races you want to participate, however in that way you will not be able to get maximum points... Anyways, it's a fan champ with clean and respectful racers.
I hope you don't have event registration ussues.
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Anton Tsepulin
Anton Tsepulin

Number of posts : 16
Age : 37
Location : UA
Registration date : 2009-04-12

GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Empty
PostSubject: Re: GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week   GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Icon_minitimeSun 11 Sep 2011 - 12:52

Results of the 1st event
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GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Empty
PostSubject: Re: GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week   GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week Icon_minitime

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GT 1967 (GPL) champ next week
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