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 Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?

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Mickael Forestier
Jon Hawkins
6 posters
Jon Hawkins
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Jon Hawkins

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Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Empty
PostSubject: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jul 2011 - 20:46

Hey guys.

I am slightly bored with the rally mods available for Rfactor as they are rather limited, don't get me wrong I love Historic Rally Cars mod but it does lack actual "Historic" feel to it like many Open Wheel or Touring Car sets.

I am a massive fan/competitor in rallying and if I could complete something like this I would be very pleased and proud.

What I am suggesting is the 1985 British Rally Championship which at that time had international competitors with a variety of cars which were closely matched. Perhaps when completed could become an Open for HSO? Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? 195264 Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? 822172

Below is a list of cars to show availability and basic spec of them, Also the Proposed track I am working on with BTB which is very close to my home and renowned in the UK as the best Tarmac rally venue there is with fearsome jumps, corners, blind crests, dips and junctions!

My only problem is I need some guidance on how to actually make the set, where do I start? I can do physics editing and liveries and I am learning 3d modelling but what else do I need?


Group B

Audi Quattro A2
2143cc Turbo 5cyl | 360 HP @ 7000 rpm | 1130 kg | 4WD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Audia210
#1 Michele Mouton
#4 Malcolm Wilson
#6 David Llewellin
#18 Chris Lord
#30 Alan Poole
#2 Harald Demuth

Audi Quattro Sport
2143cc Turbo 5cyl | 520 HP @ 7500 rpm | 1200 kg | 4WD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Audis110
#1 Michele Mouton
#5 Malcolm Wilson

Ford Escort G3
2200cc N/A 4cyl | 290 HP @ 8000 rpm | 970 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Escort10
#16 Mike Pattison

Ford Escort RS

1993cc N/A 4cyl | 272 HP @ 8000 rpm | 980 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Escort11
#31 Richard York
#20 Kenny McKinstry
#29 Ian Holt
#19 Jack Lyons
#16 Andy Dawson
#41 Terry Cree

Nissan 240RS

2340cc N/A 4cyl | 240 HP @ 7200 rpm | 970 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? 240rs10
#7 Terry Kaby
#35 Gary Hicks
#20 John Coyne
#17 James Prochowski
#19 George Marshall

Opel Manta 400

2420cc N/A 4cyl | 275 HP @ 7200 rpm | 980 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Manta10
#3 Jimmy Mcrae
#4 Russell Brookes
#6 Bertie Fisher
#17 Phil Collins
#18 Cyril Bolton
#17 Austin McHale

Peugeot 205 T16

1775cc Turbo 4cyl | 340 HP @ 8000 rpm | 940 kg | 4WD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? 205t1610
#7 Mikael Sundstrom

Porsche 911 SC RS

2994cc N/A 6cyl Boxer | 300 HP @ 8000 rpm | 1030 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? 91110
#3 Billy Coleman
#9 Bernard Beguin
#11 Saeed al-Hajri

Renault 5 Turbo 2

1397cc Turbo 4cyl | 255 HP @ 7000 rpm | 900 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? R5t10
#19 John Price

Skoda 130LR

1288cc N/A 4cyl | 132 HP @ 7000 rpm | 850 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Skoda10
#12 John Haughland

Talbot Sunbeam Lotus

2174cc N/A 4cyl | 245 HP @ 7000 rpm | 1015 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Talbot10
#18 Ernest Kidney
#55 Mick Clarke

Group A

Ford Escort RS Turbo
1597cc Turbo 4cyl | 210 HP @ 5000 rpm | 905 kg | FWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Escort12
#15 Mark Lovell

Opel Ascona

1996cc N/A 4cyl | 185 HP @ 7100 rpm | 1000 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Ascona10
#10 Mats Jonsson

Opel Manta GTE
1996cc N/A 4cyl | 185 HP @ 7100 rpm | 1000 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Mantaa10
#4 Pentti Airikkala

Peugeot 205 GTI
1580cc N/A 4cyl | 145 HP @ 6250 rpm | 850 kg | FWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? 205gti10
#13 Mikael Sundstrom
#14 Louise Aitken-Walker

Rover 3500

3528cc N/A V8 | 300 HP @ 7500 rpm | 1350 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Rover10
#10 Tony Pond
#20 Bob Fowden
#22 Mike Stuart

Toyota Corolla GT

1587cc N/A 4cyl | 180 HP @ 6600 rpm | 920 kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Coroll10
#2 Per Eklund
#24 John Midgley

Toyota Supra

2759cc N/A 6cyl | 290 HP @ ???? rpm | ???? kg | RWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Supra10
#2 Per Eklund

Vauxhall Astra GTE

1996cc N/A 4cyl | 220 HP @ 7200 rpm | 1000 kg | FWD

Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Astra10
#11 Pentti Airikkala
#20 Andrew Wood

Group N

Audi 80 Quattro
2144cc N/A 5cyl | 195 HP @ 6500 rpm | 1140 kg | 4WD

#36 Alede Cannon

Vauxhall Astra GTE
1996cc N/A 4cyl | 150 HP @ 7200 rpm | 1000 kg | FWD

#44 Brian Wiggins

Image Copyrights to:
Woodtyke on Flickr
Howiefowler on Flickr
RDJ Pics
Sr.Murphy on Flickr


Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Epyntp10
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Mickael Forestier
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Mickael Forestier

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Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jul 2011 - 22:01

very interesting project i wish HSO would take more interest in the historic rallye Smile
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jul 2011 - 22:03

21 cars and a rally track with almost no knowledge, and alone ?
You're motivated, that's a start, but I can tell you you'll never finish it in the close future. It takes so much time, even for a skilled person to do all of this, nevermind a rookie. You should set yourself a more realistic goal. We already have some models. Why not improve the physics of the HRC mod, or pick your favorite car and try to model it ?

You'll need to learn how to do good modelling (and texturing), also get to learn the gmotor2 engine to integrate this ingame, and do physics (and it's really hard to get this right). In some of the big teams, you have one person for each of those tasks.

You can start to learn the gm2 engine by doing conversions. You may learn new techniques this way.
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Jon Hawkins
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Jon Hawkins

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Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jul 2011 - 22:29

Many Thanks for the replies so far cheers cheers

Yes I have a lot of enthusiasm about this, I am learning BTB a lot better now and have the basic track almost set up inc height data, just need to add slight bumps, crests etc. the good thing is that it is a bleak landscape lol!

21 Cars I admit is quite a few yes, however when on a roll physics wise regarding engine and suspension files they are quite similar, tyres are very basic and consistent throughout the vehicles. it would be even easier if I got permission for 11 of these models that are out there! haha Laughing

I know all of this takes time (a lot of time!). However I do like to finish things if they need to be done.

I have also taken the Audi S1 and altered Tyre and Engine physics from the HRC set so it drives as it seems (bloody difficult to handle as very soft tyres heat up very quickly!) study

1st Step is to create the G3 Escort as it is simple in all aspects compared to some others.

I need to learn the Gmotor2 engine yes, but I am sure it can't be too difficult to understand affraid Laughing

One thing though, I took suspension settings and altered them on a car. But ingame it drives nor looks no different when the ride height is altered (even to extreme settings!) but when you switch to AI it automatically applies those changes?!
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jul 2011 - 0:01

I'm myself a track maker, and it's quite easy to get tracks in rF. Especially with BTB (which I'm not using). But in the end, if you want a track really special (I mean, unlike all those BTB tracks), you'll need 3D Studio Max.
I hope you know this site for textures.

Gui is the physics expert here, I can't help you there.
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Karel Marciniszyn
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Karel Marciniszyn

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Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jul 2011 - 8:53

it is good to be motivated, but you have to realize that you need to be motivated for a few years to make mod like this...of course it is always a question of what you really want from the mod. How it should look? How it should handle? How much research you have to do? If you look on mods for rFactor...there is maybe 5% which are good and maybe 1% which is great...and on these mods works groups of people who knows 3D max, photoshop, BTB, 3D simed, shaders for Gmotor2, physics in gmotor2 and physics guys know should kno wso much about physics itself.

I recommend you to join some bigger team around here and learn as much as you can...then slowly start with one car and find people who can constructively critise your work. Once you go through the whole proces of making "only" one car - 3D,2D, sound, finding resources, realizing how much data you need to have to make good physics and even how much of these you only can estimate (tires especialy), importing in-game and cleaning up bugs...so once you go throught all of these problems, then you can plan a bigger mod, but surely not with 21 different cars if you are alone Wink

I am sorry for my not so optimistic words, but I was exactly the same cca 5-6 years ago..I planned bigger and bigger mods and based this only on my very little 3D max knowledge...later I find that it is simply unreal...so move back, try to learn 3D max and photoshop and aim only on modeling. Which bring me to level which is OK for occasional comercial 3D graphics but I know there is still multiples of what I know to learn yet Smile
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Mickael Forestier
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Mickael Forestier

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Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jul 2011 - 10:36

Karel and JP are both right about the time and motivation needed about this kind of project, i'm currently learning the use of the saxxon's way to create hillclimbs, i'm completely noob to this but i'm 100% motivated to go on learning, so i'd say if you have the motivation then it's the most important, indeed joining an established team to learn the basics would be great , then you wouldn't loose time going in the wrong way Wink
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Honza Mild
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Honza Mild

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PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jul 2011 - 10:00

It could be a great mod, but i must agree with Karel, because i was 2D graphic at his big mod, and i know how much work was that.
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Stuart Neal
Stuart Neal

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PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitimeMon 1 Aug 2011 - 12:10

you are on a winner there! i loved this stage in a rallysim from years ago. I'm trying to put together a hillclimb.
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PostSubject: Re: Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor?   Making a Rally Mod for Rfactor? Icon_minitime

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