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 [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]

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Stewart Amos
Adam Svoboda
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Steve Parker
Greg Hunt
Karel Marciniszyn
Ludovic Tiengou
Bruno Goujon
Sanjin Haler
Mickael Forestier
Antoine de Mautor
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 24 Apr 2011 - 22:48

la poussette etait totalement délibérée et c est pour ca que apres ton GGRRR j ai marqué "yes" et que bien entendu je ne t ai pas attendu , la ou je te fais mes plates excuses c est que tout ca a etait du au fait que j etais persuadé que c etait toi qui m avait percuté 3 fois et viré dans le tour de formation Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed donc ca , et en plus les fermetures de portes (et la je ne suis pas vraiment d accord avec toi sur celles ci mais je posterais des videos du replay si j ai le temps ) ca m a trop gavé donc j ai fais échapp .
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 24 Apr 2011 - 22:51

Oula c'est pas très courtois tout ca, je vais aller voir le replay et je vous redis ce que j'en pense mais de toutes facons c'est pas cool Evil or Very Mad
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Bruno Goujon
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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 24 Apr 2011 - 22:54

Greg Goissen wrote:
la poussette etait totalement délibérée et c est pour ca que apres ton GGRRR j ai marqué "yes"

Quel age t'as déja? .....................................................Aaah, ooooh, à quand même!!! 27!!!

Il va peut être falloir commencer par murir, hein! :clap: :clap:
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Stewart Amos
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Stewart Amos

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 0:05

WOW !!,..What a Finnish !!!

Having now watched the replay,..I was amazed to see Just how Close the Battle for the Lead really was.

Absolutely Great racing guys!
Congrats to both Carlo and Milt !!,..How Close was That!!??
Must have been tough but fun for those last few laps.

Very Happy Very Happy
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Milt Minter Jr
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Milt Minter Jr

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 0:52

Thx guys!That was one of the funnest and most intense GTP races I've run,ever!it had it all,F1 like start-I did not expect or want to be side by side in turn 1,but we all negotiated just fine..Me and Carlo were testing earlier and I figured we'd be dead even and I was right!Unfortunate for Sanjin and a black flag and Adam was the fastest car-by seconds!Intense start with swapping the lead with 4 of us and no contact..very impressive!
I was worried about fuel and I was short,so I pushed every lap..The Mazda was so easy to drive and very forgiving off the curbs...And had more straight speed than I expected..I pitted with 5 to go for a 1/2 can and watch Antoine and Carlo go by..It became a 3 car race..Antoines tyres were shot..carlo saved gas and had great pace..After I made the last lap pass,he was all over me-but never made contact..A lot of class!Fantastic,clean racing!Cheers all! cheers :drink:
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Stewart Amos
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Stewart Amos

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 1:56

Yes!,..as you say it Was a bit like an F1 start!

I was also surprised to find myself and others allover each other at the start and as I found out, Side by Side!

Actually Antoine, having now viewed the replay, it would seem I rather 'Shut the Door' on you into turn 1, (Not my intention btw), as I was somewhat focused on what was happening ahead, I had not noticed you were attempting to 'creep' under me.

I was figuring you'd be 'ByMe' relatively soon anyway,..but hey,..S#*T happens,..a 'Racing Incident', although somewhat of a shame, as it would have been good to have hung around closer to the front.

Was So annoyed with myself as well, as having managed to get back up behind Antoine in 5th, I totally blew it on laps 7 & 8, with a few totally Unforced errors of my own, once again relegating myself to last,..Doh!
Whilst I did manage to pass a few people, my 6th place was also from the errors/troubles of others.

I enjoyed a bit of a battle with Alex Shurikus for 5th around the half way point, but as it was getting close to my pit stop, I didn't really have the tyres to commit to a proper attack on Alex.

As has often been the case, I ended up circulating by myself for quite a lot of the race.

I must admit, I Wish I had practised and tested 'on line' as I had in the past, instead of offline, as My car Online was not nearly as Fast as I had been in private practice!

I really thought I had a great setup, as I could lap easily in the 1.49's,..my best being a 1.48.891, with a slow-ish lap being in the 1.50's. I had tested a half race distance, to check tyre wear and fuel and so was feeling pretty good,..until I got online prior to the race and found I was Not Nearly as fast and had to make some last minute changes to the setup to get back some speed, but did Not see the top end I was getting in practice, OR the Laptimes,..unfortunately.

Once again,..I'd like to thank all involved in making this event happen and all those that turned up to race!
It was, once again thoroughly enjoyable racing with you guys again. Very Happy Very Happy

I have done very little racing since the previous GTP series ended, (I had a few runs with my local rFactor group, with Vance and Co), but as it was with V8's around some of our stupid local tracks, like Winton etc, I was Not really enjoying the experience,...compared to the Great racing I had been having with HSO's GTP Series.

It's Old and does Not have the following it once had,..but I still thoroughly enjoy this Mod and the Great racing it invariably provides. Especially around good circuits like this one,..(always thought F1 would be great around Road America along with Watkins Glenn),..somehow I doubt the 'New' US F1 circuit will have the 'character' that tracks like this one have.

Anyway, as I said,..had a great time and was good to see a few familiar names on track again,..just a shame we didn't get the Whole field, as that would have been a 'Hoot'!!

You can definitely 'Count me as a Starter' to Any further 'Special GTP Events' in the future if they happen,..I Certainly cast a vote of YES to the possibility. Very Happy Very Happy

Thanks again,..great to race with you all again, Keep well and hopefully, see you all again soon.
Regards to all,
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Milt Minter Jr
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Milt Minter Jr

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 5:41

well said Stewy!We got more GTP racing if anyone is interested May 7th at Hockenheim at =FSB=..
However,I hope to see more GTP races here as y'all can roll! Wink
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Sanjin Haler
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Sanjin Haler

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 7:21

Milt Minter Jr wrote:
well said Stewy!We got more GTP racing if anyone is interested May 7th at Hockenheim at =FSB=..
However,I hope to see more GTP races here as y'all can roll! Wink

9.00pm EST is 3.00am CET

not looking good.

is there any chance for next season to drive in some different time?
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Sanjin Haler
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Sanjin Haler

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 7:39

Wow race was fun, I was fast in qual and in race. but that is not enough.

I got Black Flag for passing leader. but i didnt pass him. even Milt pass me on SF line. Svoboda maybe pass pace car and game gone crazy.

I was crazy when heard that got that BF. I attack Milt and pass him in a first lap. on start 2nd lap i pass Svoboda and he pass me back at end of lap.
I enter pit to clear BF and exited far back cca 10 sec behind leader.

I pass few cars and than i was behind Antoine. I manage to pass him but was not easy.

After that things gone even worse. I spun again and few laps later another spin. I drove lots of practice before and had non spins only mistake was going over grass. but in this race i spun 2 times.

After that i was 30 sec down and started to drive better. Had that pit and than was closing on Antonie again. we had +10 sec battle until i hit wall in T1 exit. I was losing 2 sec per lap. and drove 5 laps like that and pited for repair. Big mistake cos i lost to much time driving damaged.
Later Antonie exited pit cos of blow tire 3 sec in front. I was driving like hell and even drove fastest laps of race in last lap 1 49 607 but i was 1.5 sec short and come 4th.

Shame. big one.

Only guy that i didn't pass is Carlo and only 4th place. thats bad.
And only car that passed me is Svoboda. Smile

this part is selfish but i see it like that

Thx to Antonie for this race and thx to all u guys that come to drive, I am looking forward for another one.

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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 9:58

Je présente toutes mes excuses a Mr Goujon Bruno , en effet apres visionnage du replay , tu n as rien avoir dans mon accrochage du tour de formation Embarassed ( comme dit précedant c etait la numéro 1 ) et de plus ta conduite a 100 pour cents etait correcte et il n y a eu aucun fermage de porte intempestif de ta part . Embarassed Embarassed la aussi je t 'ai encore confondu avec la voiture numéro 1 de ton équipier . , donc vraiment désolé pour le petit bump Embarassed je ne vois pas de classement mais j espere que tu as bien fini , encore une fois , sinceres excuses Embarassed :drink: :top:

Concenrnant la voiture n 1 de l'équipier de Bruno , dans le tour de formation , il m'accroche 3 fois dont la derniere ou il me monte littéralement dessus et m envoie en tete a queue dans l herbe , puis apres alors que placé derriere moi sur la grille monsieur me double dans le tour de formation et prends le départ devant moi et après dans le 1 er tour fermage de porte comme un sagouin :clap:

grats the podium , well done all finishers :hello:
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Carlo Pozzi
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Carlo Pozzi

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 9:59

By far the best ever race i've made in GTP :banane:

I wasn't the fastest on a single lap, in fact i started 4th, right behind my teammate Milt, i had a reasonable start and i followed the 3 leaders for the first couple of laps, when Sanjin and Adam pitted for their penalty i was right behind Milt, but we had absolutely the same pace and no way i could pass him

So i decided to back off a little bit, save fuel by shortshifting, and i lost 4s to him in the process, towards the end of the stint my car was great and i pushed hard to close the gap, i was again right behind him when he pitted
I did my pitstop 1 lap later, but i was very cautious entering the pits (hoping to find my pitbox), i found it and came back 5s behind Milt, with Antoine 3s behind and closing

I sit quite confortably in 2nd in the second stint, with Antoine that gave me some air by spinning a couple of times, and not really closing the gap to the leader, but with 8 to go Milt pitted and i retook the lead with 5s advantage on Antoine

2 laps later i had to avoid a backmarker at T3, but with just 4 laps to go i made my only mistake of the race, the car came loose under braking at T1, i did a full 360° and i rejoined between Antoine and Milt in 2nd

At the end of that lap Antoine spun at Canada Corner and i took the lead again, but i knew Milt was very close, i had no virtual mirrors during all the race (i had it in practice, but not in qualy and in the race) i didn't really know where he was, with 2 to go he tried on the inside at T3, the spotter told me, "a car is on the left" and i gave him some room to pass on the inside, but i was able to defend my place on the outside line

On the last lap i made the smallest of mistakes, came wide at T4 and Milt was through, i tried again in the last corner trying to exit as close to him as possible, but my car was slightly lacking acceleration off the corners and i ended on his tail just 2 tenths behind after 47 laps of great racing

Well done Milt and thanks Antoine for organizing such a great event , hope many more will come in the future


Last edited by Carlo Pozzi on Mon 25 Apr 2011 - 13:11; edited 1 time in total
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Bruno Goujon
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Registration date : 2009-01-11

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 10:59

Greg Goissen wrote:
Je présente toutes mes excuses a Mr Goujon Bruno , en effet apres visionnage du replay , tu n as rien avoir dans mon accrochage du tour de formation Embarassed ( comme dit précedant c etait la numéro 1 ) et de plus ta conduite a 100 pour cents etait correcte et il n y a eu aucun fermage de porte intempestif de ta part . Embarassed Embarassed la aussi je t 'ai encore confondu avec la voiture numéro 1 de ton équipier . , donc vraiment désolé pour le petit bump Embarassed je ne vois pas de classement mais j espere que tu as bien fini , encore une fois , sinceres excuses Embarassed :drink: :top:

Concenrnant la voiture n 1 de l'équipier de Bruno , dans le tour de formation , il m'accroche 3 fois dont la derniere ou il me monte littéralement dessus et m envoie en tete a queue dans l herbe , puis apres alors que placé derriere moi sur la grille monsieur me double dans le tour de formation et prends le départ devant moi et après dans le 1 er tour fermage de porte comme un sagouin :clap:

grats the podium , well done all finishers :hello:

La nuit porte conseil c'est bien connu.......................... tu vois tu as muri :top:

Quand on est dans des embrouilles, même si on est sûr de soi, il faut toujours ce dire : Et si je merdais ? ça fait souvent prendre du recul.

T'inquiètes l'affaire est enterrée :drink:

Le souci c'est qu'ici (chez HSO) au départ faut prendre le bon wagon, aprés c'est impossible remonter , mais bon j'aime bien ce mod, j'ai quant même pris du bon temps.................................................... plus tard Wink

Concernant Alex (je sais plus son nom), je l'ai déjà vu avec des attitudes bizarres en piste ( sans vouloir dire qu'il en est coutumier), une de plus hier soir affraid

Pour voir tes concurrents, c'est F2 et suivant le mode que tu veux "espace"

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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 12:56

Sorry i missed this had to go out at last minute and did not get back in time Crying or Very sad
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Karel Marciniszyn
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Karel Marciniszyn

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 16:09

I am sorry I didn´t start yesterday without any excuses before...My 7 month old son get an bad cold yesterday so I spent the whole evening and big part of night with him.
Today he is much better...

I hope everything will be OK next time...thank you for understanding
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 23:28

First of all, I would like to apologise to Stewart for my fuck-up at the start, I still feel really bad about it, I know that there is no hard feelings on your part, which is a huge relief for me Embarassed Long story short, I've been telling people to be careful at the start on the chat before the race for a good five minutes IN F***ING CAPITAL LETTERS, and was reckless myself when it came to the actual racing action pale

Good to see after watching replay that I didn't really spoil your race, you did it very well on your own :D

As far as downsides go, I was very disapoiting to see only 11 drivers on race night while we had 20 registered drivers Mad I know that from times to times life gets in the way and you just can't race, but this was really too many absentees when we're talking about a single event, not a long series!

Anyway, the race was great, I made quite a few mistakes, too many of them actually, it had been a while since I had driven GTP! As Stu rightly highlights, this mod still is the shit, it makes for unbelievable racing everytime! :clap:

In the first I pushed Stu (which was fortunately my only fuck-up involving someone else during this race), then almost collided Carlo under braking and had to dive for the sandtrap, losing quite some time in the process! The race from then on was a hot pursuit of these two fast bastards driving blue mopeds :D Had a super-fast stop, and with Milt's splash and dash and Carlo's spin, I was leading with 5 to go! affraid Alas, my left front tire had had enough of this treatment and let me down a few corners later, forcing me to pit :aie: Managed to stay in front of a charging Sanjin, and finished in a nice 3 rd place :third:

Adam and Sanjin, a shame about the black flag situation at the start, it is due to the fact that you were both slightly in front of the pace car when the green flag was shown :smil20:

Pour ce qui est de l'embrouille entre Bruno et Greg, je suis content que le dernier cité se soit excusé! En effet, ton comportement n'est vraiment pas admissible Greg, GTP est un mod très difficile, beaucoup plus que la plupart des mods rFactor, et il exige un grand respect des participants entre eux!! Pour ce qui est du tour de chauffe, tu étais derrière Alex sur la grille, donc censé rester derrière lui, et pourtant tu était devant, donc ensuite il essaye (maladroitement certes) de te repasser, mais ce n'est pas une raison pour monter sur tes grands chevaux d'autant qu'a la base, la faute est tienne!

Thanks to all who showed up, and grats Milt on the superb win!!

Hopefully we can have another race like this one (or maybe a wee bit longer :hum:) after summer! Very Happy

Last edited by Antoine de Mautor on Mon 25 Apr 2011 - 23:33; edited 3 times in total
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Registration date : 2008-09-08

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Apr 2011 - 23:30

Generated with NASCAR2003 Replay Analyzer
Track: Road_america_hr Sun Apr 24 23:13:45 2011


Pos No Driver Time Diff Speed Diff Laps
1 99 Adam Svoboda 1m49.384s 0.000 5
2 16 Sanjin Haler 1m49.803s 00.419s 0.000 1.e-0 12
3 5 Carlo Pozzi 1m50.378s 00.994s 0.000 1.e-0 12
4 4 Milt Minter Jr 1m50.515s 01.131s 0.000 1.e-0 20
5 7 Antoine de Mautor 1m50.860s 01.476s 0.000 1.e-0 8
6 64 Stewart Amos 1m51.698s 02.314s 0.000 1.e-0 9
7 1 Alex Shurikus 1m51.838s 02.454s 0.000 1.e-0 8
8 98 Gregoire Goissen 1m52.109s 02.725s 0.000 1.e-0 6
9 80 JM Brunee 1m52.200s 02.816s 0.000 1.e-0 7
10 84 Bruno Goujon 1m53.179s 03.795s 0.000 1.e-0 11
11 19 Thomas Cazorla 1m55.206s 05.822s 0.000 1.e-0 1
12 9 Gianluca Desposito 2m13.075s 23.691s 0.000 1.e-0 1
13 -1 Pace Car No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
14 47 The Player No Time No Time No Time No Time 0

All times are official
Generated with NASCAR2003 Replay Analyzer

Track: Road_america_hr Sun Apr 24 23:13:45 2011


Pos No Driver Time Diff Speed Diff Laps
1 99 Adam Svoboda 1m48.762s 0.000 3
2 16 Sanjin Haler 1m50.254s 01.492s 0.000 1.e-0 3
3 4 Milt Minter Jr 1m50.394s 01.632s 0.000 1.e-0 3
4 5 Carlo Pozzi 1m50.546s 01.784s 0.000 1.e-0 3
5 64 Stewart Amos 1m51.150s 02.388s 0.000 1.e-0 3
6 7 Antoine de Mautor 1m51.338s 02.576s 0.000 1.e-0 3
7 1 Alex Shurikus 1m51.506s 02.744s 0.000 1.e-0 3
8 98 Gregoire Goissen 1m51.707s 02.945s 0.000 1.e-0 2
9 84 Bruno Goujon 1m52.817s 04.055s 0.000 1.e-0 3
10 19 Thomas Cazorla 1m56.162s 07.400s 0.000 1.e-0 3
11 80 JM Brunee 1m57.937s 09.175s 0.000 1.e-0 2
12 9 Gianluca Desposito No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
13 -1 Pace Car No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
14 47 The Player No Time No Time No Time No Time 0

All times are official
Generated with NASCAR2003 Replay Analyzer

Track: Road_america_hr Sun Apr 24 23:13:45 2011


Pos No Driver Time Diff Speed Diff Laps
1 99 Adam Svoboda 1m50.547s 0.000 1
2 16 Sanjin Haler 1m58.720s 08.173s 0.000 1.e-0 1
3 98 Gregoire Goissen No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
4 5 Carlo Pozzi No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
5 4 Milt Minter Jr No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
6 64 Stewart Amos No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
7 47 The Player No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
8 80 JM Brunee No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
9 7 Antoine de Mautor No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
10 -1 Pace Car No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
11 1 Alex Shurikus No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
12 84 Bruno Goujon No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
13 9 Gianluca Desposito No Time No Time No Time No Time 0
14 19 Thomas Cazorla No Time No Time No Time No Time 0

All times are official
Generated with NASCAR2003 Replay Analyzer

Track: Road_america_hr Sun Apr 24 23:13:45 2011

RACE RESULTS (After 47 laps)

Pos No Driver Laps Race Time Diff Speed Points
1 4 Milt Minter Jr 47 87m52.121s 0.000 185
2 5 Carlo Pozzi 47 87m52.329s 00.208s 0.000 175
3 7 Antoine de Mautor 47 88m43.699s 51.578s 0.000 165
4 16 Sanjin Haler 47 88m45.683s 53.562s 0.000 165
5 1 Alex Shurikus 47 89m34.389s 1m42.268s 0.000 155
6 64 Stewart Amos 46 88m05.190s 1 lap(s) 0.000 150
7 84 Bruno Goujon 46 89m30.114s 1 lap(s) 0.000 146
8 19 Thomas Cazorla 44 89m04.828s 3 lap(s) 0.000 142
9 98 Gregoire Goissen 15 29m06.682s 32 lap(s) 0.000 138
10 80 JM Brunee 11 21m08.754s 36 lap(s) 0.000 134
11 99 Adam Svoboda 2 3m54.480s 44 lap(s) 0.000 135
12 -1 Pace Car 0 DidNotStart 47 lap(s)
13 9 Gianluca Desposito 0 DidNotStart 47 lap(s)
14 47 The Player 0 DidNotStart 47 lap(s)

Race results are official


Pos Driver Time Speed Lap
1 Sanjin Haler 1m49.607s 0.000 47
2 Milt Minter Jr 1m49.709s 0.000 45
3 Antoine de Mautor 1m49.826s 0.000 33
4 Carlo Pozzi 1m50.194s 0.000 45
5 Stewart Amos 1m50.918s 0.000 23
6 Alex Shurikus 1m51.312s 0.000 6
7 JM Brunee 1m52.222s 0.000 7
8 Gregoire Goissen 1m52.359s 0.000 4
9 Adam Svoboda 1m52.386s 0.000 3
10 Bruno Goujon 1m53.206s 0.000 2
11 Thomas Cazorla 1m54.380s 0.000 44
12 Gianluca Desposito No Time
13 Pace Car No Time
14 The Player No Time


Driver Laps
Adam Svoboda 1
Sanjin Haler 2
Milt Minter Jr 3-24
Carlo Pozzi 25
Sanjin Haler 26-28
Milt Minter Jr 29-39
Carlo Pozzi 40-46
Milt Minter Jr 47
Number of lead changes: 7
Number of leaders: 4


Driver Laps led
Milt Minter Jr 34
Carlo Pozzi 8
Sanjin Haler 4
Adam Svoboda 1


Driver Start Finish Change
Antoine de Mautor 6 3 3
Milt Minter Jr 3 1 2
Alex Shurikus 7 5 2
Carlo Pozzi 4 2 2
Thomas Cazorla 10 8 2
Bruno Goujon 9 7 2
JM Brunee 11 10 1
Pace Car 13 12 1
The Player 14 14 0
Gianluca Desposito 12 13 -1
Stewart Amos 5 6 -1
Gregoire Goissen 8 9 -1
Sanjin Haler 2 4 -2
Adam Svoboda 1 11 -10


Driver Stops/Laps
Sanjin Haler (3/47)
Antoine de Mautor (2/47)
Milt Minter Jr (2/47)
Stewart Amos (1/46)
Carlo Pozzi (1/47)
Alex Shurikus (1/47)
Bruno Goujon (1/46)
Thomas Cazorla (1/44)


Driver Laps/Total
Adam Svoboda (3/3)
Sanjin Haler (2/47)


Driver Laps/Total Percent
Milt Minter Jr (14/47) 29.79
Bruno Goujon (5/46) 10.87
Alex Shurikus (2/47) 4.25
Carlo Pozzi (1/47) 2.12
Sanjin Haler (1/47) 2.12
JM Brunee (0/11) 0.00
Antoine de Mautor (0/47) 0.00
Stewart Amos (0/46) 0.00
Gregoire Goissen (0/15) 0.00
Thomas Cazorla (0/44) 0.00
Adam Svoboda (0/3) 0.00

(first lap excluded)

Driver Avg Deviation Std Deviation Avg Laptime Laps
Gregoire Goissen 1.356 1.924 1m54.890s 15
Carlo Pozzi 1.682 4.405 1m52.086s 47
JM Brunee 1.763 2.269 1m54.507s 11
Milt Minter Jr 1.799 4.472 1m52.088s 47
Alex Shurikus 2.367 4.756 1m54.171s 47
Bruno Goujon 3.002 5.003 1m56.592s 46
Antoine de Mautor 3.276 5.949 1m52.999s 47
Adam Svoboda 3.448 3.448 1m55.834s 3
Stewart Amos 3.714 6.764 1m54.600s 46
Sanjin Haler 3.976 6.831 1m53.264s 47
Thomas Cazorla 6.015 6.522 2m01.398s 44
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Thomas Cazorla
Pro Driver
Thomas Cazorla

Number of posts : 858
Age : 47
Location : Earth Planet, Universe
Registration date : 2008-11-17

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 26 Apr 2011 - 18:55

Antoine de Mautor wrote:

As far as downsides go, I was very disapoiting to see only 11 drivers on race night while we had 20 registered drivers Mad I know that from times to times life gets in the way and you just can't race, but this was really too many absentees when we're talking about a single event, not a long series!

Et pendant ce temps y en a qui font l'effort de venir avec un pied fracturé et d'aller au bout. Razz

Blague à part c'est clair que c'est vraiment pas cool d'être 11sur20. J'aurais bien aimé avoir quelqu'un avec qui me bagarrer Sad
Réservez moi une Toy ou une Jag pour la prochaine, c'est un veau la mazda :jp:
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Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
Age : 61
Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Apr 2011 - 6:44

if you get a chance..here is a picture recap of the race..It is pretty self-serving and condensed as I had almost 50 pics and ended up with 20 or so..please consider getting up early and running with us May 7th at Hockenheim..It's free but you must sign up at fsbracing.com ..we'll be running GTP races all year-already averaging 15 to 17 cars and expect more..You all could make it over 20!including the VTE Lemans Track..... a 2.4 hr race.. http://www.fsbracingforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=12579&p=90923#p90923
http://www.fsbracing.com/lemans.html Embarassed
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Jerry Foehrkolb
Jerry Foehrkolb

Number of posts : 45
Age : 51
Location : PA, USA
Registration date : 2009-04-07

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 1 May 2011 - 3:15

WTG Milt Smile
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Alex Shurikus
Alex Shurikus

Number of posts : 37
Age : 41
Location : cold wild Russia
Registration date : 2008-11-15

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 1 May 2011 - 15:21

I really liked this race and happy to finish on lead lap! Thank you! I hope for more races like this!
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Sanjin Haler
Club Driver
Sanjin Haler

Number of posts : 140
Age : 42
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2010-02-17

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 1 May 2011 - 19:10

Milt Minter Jr wrote:
if you get a chance..here is a picture recap of the race..It is pretty self-serving and condensed as I had almost 50 pics and ended up with 20 or so..please consider getting up early and running with us May 7th at Hockenheim..It's free but you must sign up at fsbracing.com ..we'll be running GTP races all year-already averaging 15 to 17 cars and expect more..You all could make it over 20!including the VTE Lemans Track..... a 2.4 hr race.. http://www.fsbracingforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=12579&p=90923#p90923
http://www.fsbracing.com/lemans.html Embarassed

to me is to late or to early nex day:

9:00 PM EST is 3:00 AM CET
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Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
Age : 61
Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 2 May 2011 - 1:44

Sanjin Haler wrote:
Milt Minter Jr wrote:
if you get a chance..here is a picture recap of the race..It is pretty self-serving and condensed as I had almost 50 pics and ended up with 20 or so..please consider getting up early and running with us May 7th at Hockenheim..It's free but you must sign up at fsbracing.com ..we'll be running GTP races all year-already averaging 15 to 17 cars and expect more..You all could make it over 20!including the VTE Lemans Track..... a 2.4 hr race.. http://www.fsbracingforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=12579&p=90923#p90923
http://www.fsbracing.com/lemans.html Embarassed

to me is to late or to early nex day:

9:00 PM EST is 3:00 AM CET
yeah,bummer Sanjin!unfortunately,we are committed to this start time for the season...maybe make Lemans?You are young!You don't need sleep-lol!.. lol!
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Sanjin Haler
Club Driver
Sanjin Haler

Number of posts : 140
Age : 42
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2010-02-17

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 2 May 2011 - 19:41

I got son 2 years old,
and wife and u know what that means Smile
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Karel Marciniszyn
Pro Driver
Karel Marciniszyn

Number of posts : 954
Age : 41
Location : Czech republic
Registration date : 2009-11-03

[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 2 May 2011 - 20:07

Sanjin Haler wrote:
I got son 2 years old,
and wife and u know what that means Smile

it means that you are happy man!! Smile
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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]   [GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th] - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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[GTP] 1991 IMSA : Nissan Grand Prix of Road America [April 24th]
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