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 [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod

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Carl Larrad
Vadim Sadoshenko
Pascal Salar
Patrick Marucco
Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya
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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 13:53

Another great one, but not for the fainted heart

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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 14:40

J'ai retrouvé le topic, il était dejà en page 8
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Pascal Salar
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Pascal Salar

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 15:01

A ce rythme-là, on aura droit à un mod F1 par année très vite! :champ:
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeWed 8 May 2013 - 19:43

I am sure in perspective it's worth thinking about!
F1 1985 version 1.02
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeWed 8 May 2013 - 23:45

Just downloaded not tried it on track yet but there is the basis for a really nice mod ...
Vadim thx for the Link Wink

You even have Steffan Johannson driving a Ferrari lol!
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 9:08

After a detailed study of the mod, I would like to note the following.
Any serious graphics defects are absent. Though not quite successful settings shaders, from which the cars are lacking reflections(gloss). This is easy to fix.
However, reveals a number of deficiencies of the physical model.
The cars there are no calculations of the dynamics of the diffuser Shocked !
While he's there and what's more its role since 1983 for F1 increases significantly.
Hence the need to transfer part of the aerodynamic action on the diffuser. I have already worked on this with cars of Group C, so in this question understand.
Another important point is non-repair of suspension on the pit stop. On the one hand, this is realistic, on the other hand it simracing :hum: . It is also easily adjusted.
Next is not taken into account the weight of the pilot.
All the same 75-80 kg is quite a lot for F1 and has a significant influence on the behavior of the car. I am sure that during the calculation of the parameters of this weight should be taken into account.
The engine, suspension and rubber calculated quite competently and significantly adjustments do not require.
I think in the next weekend I'll find time to edit the mod. If you would be interested I can upload the corrected material for testing.
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Anders Nilsson
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Anders Nilsson

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 12:38

Vadim i surely want to test Smile
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 13:08

Anders Nilsson wrote:
Vadim i surely want to test Smile
I told you not the whole truth!
There is a problem with engines.
Let me explain with an example of the Ferrari.
The creators of mod want to convince us that the maximum power of the engine was achieved in the 9500 rpm Suspect .
[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Dwm_2011
Other sources claim that the maximum capacity was made by 11000 rpm.
The funny thing is that the creators of the mod allow you to use us a motor at 11000 rpm, but the power falls to 593 bhp. I want to ask them, why should increase their turnovers, if it does not give the increase of power Evil or Very Mad :urgence: ?
So I'll adjust the mod, only if we manage to find complete information about car engines.
As for the right to construct the curves of the engine is still very important to know the maximum value of torque at certain engine speeds. The maximum speed of the vehicle and time of acceleration up to 100 or 150 km / h.
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 15:34

I drove the Spirit and RAM a lap last night at Mas Du Clos.

They certainly feel a bit "strange", a bit hard to turn in. But the main thing is how the turbo kicks in, if you're not careful you'll 360 into the next tyre barrier :aie:

I also noticed that the cars lack a bit of graphic effect, like you mentioned Vadim.
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 16:39

I believe this mod is a classic case of "harder is better".
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 17:47

So, find all of the real parameters of the cars 1985 succeeded. All the same it is F1, so I was confident that on the Internet there is the required material. Fundamentally the behavior of the car does not change, but how they say it will grow from the desired location Wink .
Part of the aerodynamic actions will provide the diffuser. Maximum power and torque will correspond to the real number of revolutions. Added weight of the pilot and respectively inertia. During the pit-stop will be repaired suspension. Improved graphics cars. And probably some more adjustments. I hope after modernization of the mod will be possible to consider for use in future Championships :conduit: .
In any case try to definitely worth it :hum: !
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 18:02

Will you let the original mod team know that you are, well, improving their mod? Or will it be somekind of "HSO-secret"?

I hope the guys at SRM took all necessary things into consideration when they started with their '90 mod. But looking at how they are improving it for V2.0, I think I don't have to worry?
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 18:08

It's just Vadim who is tweaking the mod at the moment, HSO is not involved.
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 18:29

Really forgot to warn you not to implicate a dubious :jp: enterprise HSO. In addition, I do not wish to owners of the mod had to HSO of any claim. The project will be confidential and will be distributed strictly in the circle of the persons concerned.

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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitimeThu 9 May 2013 - 22:25


When I wrote "HSO-secret", I meant that only we here know about Vadim tweaking it.

I know HSO isn't involved Razz
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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod   [rFactor] F1 1985 Mod Icon_minitime

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[rFactor] F1 1985 Mod
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