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 Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]

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finally gone :)
Luis Garcia
Mickael Forestier
Gérard Ryon
Jean-louis Petillot
Olivier Mathieu
Michel Baudrit
Franck Tripey
Gianluca Desposito
Lucas Marino
Thomas Gatschnegg
Yves Plaçais
Vincent Rieux
Laurent Binet
Vincent Beretta
Jukka Närhi
Pierre Pfleger
Ben Paulet
François Besançon
Patrick Marucco
Jean-François Bovy
Greg Hunt
Antoine de Mautor
Carlo Pozzi
Guillaume Siebert
Frank Verplanken
30 posters
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 10:57

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] 03%20Ruapuna%20Park

--> HOTLAPS <--

EVENT SCHEDULE (all times CET, Paris time)

Wednesday January 19th :

8:00pm - Qualifying session (60 minutes, unlimited number of laps)
9:00pm - Warm Up
9.15pm - Race start, 45 laps (password : hso72)

Thanks for pointing out your presence/absence in this thread.



#1 Ben Paulet (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#2 Franck Labédan (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS11)
#3 Thomas Cazorla (5.0 Matich-Repco A50)
#4 Omer Bas (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M10B)
#5 Hakan Yanik (5.0 Elfin-Repco MR5)
#6 A.N. Other (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#7 Lucas Marino (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T192)
#10 Pierre Pfleger (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#11 Berkem Ceylan (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#12 Martin Audran (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M10B)
#14 Grégoire Goissen (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8)
#17 Thomas Gatschnegg (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M10B)
#18 Guillaume Siebert (5.0 Begg-Chevrolet FM5)
#21 Kimmo Kononen (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M10B)
#22 Gérard Ryon (5.0 McRae-Chevrolet GM1)
#23 Vincent Rieux - Absent (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#24 Laurent Binet (5.0 McRae-Chevrolet GM1)
#25 Gianluca Desposito (5.0 Matich-Repco A50)
#27 JP Campmajo - Absent (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M10B)
#28 Tiago Malafaya (5.0 Elfin-Repco MR5)
#29 Antoine de Mautor (5.0 Elfin-Repco MR5)
#33 Frank Verplanken (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#34 Luis Garcia (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS11)
#35 Carlo Pozzi (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8)
#36 A.N. Other (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T190)
#37 Jean-Louis Petillot (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#41 Vincent Beretta (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#43 Franck Tripey - Absent (5.0 Chevron-Chevrolet B24)
#44 Patrick Marucco (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#45 François Besançon (5.0 Lotus-Ford 70B)
#46 Michel Baudrit (5.0 Lotus-Ford 70B)
#48 Olivier Mathieu (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#49 Carl Larrad (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS11)
#50 Ricardo Magno - Absent (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#51 A.N. Other (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#52 Jean-François Bovy (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#53 Marcus Florkin (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#57 Pierre Labédan (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8)
#59 Mickaël Forestier - Absent (5.0 Lola-Pontiac T300)
#66 A.N. Other (3.5 Crosslé-Rover 15F)
#75 Yves Plaçais (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#77 Jukka Maattanen (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#81 Steve Parker - Absent (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#93 A.N. Other (3.5 Crosslé-Rover 15F)
#94 Philippe Martinelli (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#98 Pascal Salar (5.0 McLaren-Repco M18)

Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 19:33; edited 18 times in total
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:00

Présent pour celle là Smile
Par contre tu devrais peut être nettoyer la liste avec les désistements.
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:02

Je ferais le ménage après la dernière course NZ Wink .
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Carlo Pozzi
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Carlo Pozzi

Number of posts : 805
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Registration date : 2009-11-28

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:06

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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:29

Yo :top:
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:44

en esperant continuer sur la lancée de mon 1er podium lol! , present :conduit: :conduit: :conduit:
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Jean-François Bovy
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Jean-François Bovy

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:50

moi aussi, présent :yaa:
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:56

Présent Very Happy
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François Besançon
Experienced Driver
François Besançon

Number of posts : 253
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Registration date : 2008-11-03

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 11:59

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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Registration date : 2009-07-29

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 12:47

Présent en espérant faire une 7ème place après mes 9 et 8ème places. :hihi:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 12:53

Nan tu vas retourner à ta 9ème vu que je serais là. :langue:
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Pierre Pfleger
Pro Driver
Pierre Pfleger

Number of posts : 750
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Registration date : 2010-01-02

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 13:27

Ben non, tu essayera la 10eme place cette fois car moi aussi je serai là. Je te laisserai peut etre etre classé devant moi en qualifs, mais en course pas question. :D je vais te saboter ta course en te filant un setup merdique pour etre sur, hé hé.
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 14:11

non tu seras bien 9 eme car je vais me planter quelque part bien comme il faut lol! lol!
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Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 15:55

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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 16:18

présent :conduit:
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 16:41

35 Carlos Pozzi (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8) lol! Franck Carlo serait il devenu un espagnol ??? scratch scratch voila peut etre une 1ere preuve de son coté Alien scratch scratch scratch geek geek geek
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Carlo Pozzi
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Carlo Pozzi

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Registration date : 2009-11-28

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 17:15

Greg Goissen wrote:
35 Carlos Pozzi (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8) lol! Franck Carlo serait il devenu un espagnol ??? scratch scratch voila peut etre une 1ere preuve de son coté Alien scratch scratch scratch geek geek geek

affraid lol! lol! lol!
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 20:56

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Nan tu vas retourner à ta 9ème vu que je serais là. :langue:

Qui dit que tu ne seras pas derrière moi? lol!

Pierre Pfleger wrote:
Ben non, tu essayera la 10eme place cette fois car moi aussi je serai là. Je te laisserai peut etre etre classé devant moi en qualifs, mais en course pas question. :D je vais te saboter ta course en te filant un setup merdique pour etre sur, hé hé.

Si tu ne t'endors pas lol!
As-tu besoin de me filer un setup merdique pour être devant? :hihi:
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 21:01

Ben Paulet wrote:
Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Nan tu vas retourner à ta 9ème vu que je serais là. :langue:

Qui dit que tu ne seras pas derrière moi? lol!

Lui :D
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
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Registration date : 2010-03-25

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 21:33

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Ben Paulet wrote:
Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Nan tu vas retourner à ta 9ème vu que je serais là. :langue:

Qui dit que tu ne seras pas derrière moi? lol!

Lui :D

je suis au regret mon cher Gui de te dire que tu ne connais pas bien notre Ben national , d ici mercredi il peut nous faire un bond de 12 Secondes lol! lol! lol! ou pas :langue: :langue: :langue:
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 22:11

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Ben Paulet wrote:
Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Nan tu vas retourner à ta 9ème vu que je serais là. :langue:

Qui dit que tu ne seras pas derrière moi? lol!

Lui :D

:aie: lol!

Merci Greg de ton soutien, par contre pour le bond de 12 sec, je suis au regret de t'annoncer que ça va pas le faire, même avec toute ma bonne volonté. :frank:
C'est quand même un mod pourri, je te le rappelle :D
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
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Registration date : 2010-03-25

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Jan 2011 - 22:17

note c est un signe avec ce 500 eme post tu viens de passer pro driver , faut que tu t imposes maintenant lol! lol! lol! :conduit:
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Pierre Pfleger
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Pierre Pfleger

Number of posts : 750
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Registration date : 2010-01-02

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeSat 15 Jan 2011 - 13:05

Ben Paulet wrote:

As-tu besoin de me filer un setup merdique pour être devant? :hihi:

Je commence à le croire. Depuis que je regle ta voiture tu as beaucoup progressé et effectivement, à setup égal j'ai de plus en plus de mal à etre devant toi (la preuve, ça fait plusieurs qualifs ou tu me précèdes, mais il est vrai que ce n'est pas mon truc les qualifs, suis trop nerveux pour ça. Heureusement j'ai plus d'expérience de la course que toi, ce qui, jusque là me permet de te précéder, mais ça ne va pas durer, j'ai vu ça trop souvent). Suis pas doué, ou trop vieux, ou plutôt trop usé (ou trop naze) ... mais bon, depuis que je fais de la simu j'ai appris à l'accepter, tant pis. :papy: drunken Sad
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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeSat 15 Jan 2011 - 16:39

mais il est super long ce circuit Smile Et les circuits neoz, il faudrait qu'il pense à mettre des repères autour plutôt que juste une route au milieu de l'herbe, je m'y perds Smile Je viens de faire quelques tours, je patauge encore pour savoir comment choisir les bons rapports de boîte.
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Pierre Pfleger
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Pierre Pfleger

Number of posts : 750
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Registration date : 2010-01-02

Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]   Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Icon_minitimeSun 16 Jan 2011 - 16:02

En fin de compte ma Lola T300 sera libre pour cette course si ça interesse quelqu'un.

My Lola T300 will be free for this race if anyone wants it.
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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th] Empty
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Tasman Round 3 - Lady Wigram Trophy [January 19th]
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