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 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures

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Abat Hernaez
Uros Goricanec
Martin Audran
Mark Bos
Jan Verschueren
Luis Garcia
Florkin Marc
finally gone :)
Steve Parker
Ludovic Tiengou
Kimmo Kononen
Mario Gassner
Frank Labédan
Chris Souter
Patrice Gibelin
Tiago Malafaya
Ricardo Magno
Laurent Duconge
Carl Larrad
Jukka Närhi
Roman Koranda
Adam Svoboda
Frank Verplanken
Roma Ljubchik
Greg Hunt
Antoine de Mautor
Dmitri Buksha
Guillaume Siebert
32 posters
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Laurent Duconge
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Laurent Duconge

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2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 9 Feb 2011 - 16:33

Bon bin je me porte candidat pour un des châssis lents qui pourrait se libérer

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Ricardo Magno
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Ricardo Magno

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Registration date : 2010-06-19

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 9 Feb 2011 - 16:58

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
We'll have to see, the Alfa will be free yes, but you might not have the priority to take it. I'm thinking about Patrice Gibelin who drove the Fittipaldi for the whole season last year and who'd deserve a good car for a change.

Btw, one of the Brabhams might be free as well.

Ok, if the Brabham is going to be available as well, I wouldn't mind at all driving it for the rest of the season. Smile

But isn't the Brabham more competitve than the Alfa?

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Chris Souter
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Chris Souter

Number of posts : 84
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Registration date : 2009-11-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 9 Feb 2011 - 20:04

If Laurent gets the Alfa and Ricardo gets the Brabham can i hop in the Ensign please. :top:
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Ricardo Magno
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Ricardo Magno

Number of posts : 137
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Location : Frankfurt, Germany
Registration date : 2010-06-19

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 21 Feb 2011 - 14:49

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
We'll have to see, the Alfa will be free yes, but you might not have the priority to take it. I'm thinking about Patrice Gibelin who drove the Fittipaldi for the whole season last year and who'd deserve a good car for a change.

Btw, one of the Brabhams might be free as well.

Hello Gui,
can you tell me if you have decided about the available Alfa and the Brabham?

Not my intention to insist, but I'm going to start practicing for the next GP and would like to know if I can change to any of those cars.

Thanks. :top:
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Frank Labédan
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Frank Labédan

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2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 21 Feb 2011 - 15:21

Brabham #6 is free
Brabham #6 est libre
J'ai essayé de reprendre mais je ne trouve pas le temps de tourner et j'ai perdu un peu la motivation ...la 4ème année est celle de trop... Je vois que du monde est en attente et il est plus raisonnable de laisser ma place Wink
merci beaucoup à Gui et aux organisateurs de ce champ extraordinaire.
Je tenterai peut etre l'endurance, mais c'est une autre histoire ...
a bientot
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Mario Gassner
Experienced Driver
Mario Gassner

Number of posts : 306
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Location : Principality of Liechtenstein
Registration date : 2008-11-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 21 Feb 2011 - 16:44

If there is a seat left in this change maneuver, i`d like to fill it after chris, laurent and ricardo if possible

Best regards,
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 12:46

Ricardo Magno, Michel Baudrit and Roma Ljubchik missed 2 races without giving any reason on the forum, their cars are free.
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Adam Svoboda
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Adam Svoboda

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2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 13:15

I don't know how are the rules exactly, but I thinking of changing for free Alfa... would it be possible? scratch Or is it even better car than Rebaque?

Thanks for the answer.
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Kimmo Kononen
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Kimmo Kononen

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2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 14:16

Tell Ludo there are other cars available, he seems awfully unhappy with the Renault and I'd hate to see him quit the league...
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
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2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 14:23

The other cars are worst than the Renault Kimmo. I'm stupid not crazy :D :D :D. And I haven't planned to quit the league as I'm pleased to drive my Surtees (especially those F5000 beasts which reminds me a bit of my beloved BRM in GPL) and my Escort (and I'm waiting for the return of the M1).
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Mario Gassner
Experienced Driver
Mario Gassner

Number of posts : 306
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Location : Principality of Liechtenstein
Registration date : 2008-11-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 15:52

Can i have a free car, which is left after the rochade? Alfa would be great, ensign would be good and kauhsen...ok, i would take it Smile
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Ricardo Magno
Club Driver
Ricardo Magno

Number of posts : 137
Age : 47
Location : Frankfurt, Germany
Registration date : 2010-06-19

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 16:04

Hello Guillaume,
I have been completely away simracing for the last 3 weeks (most of the time on vacation), but I'm still interested and available to run for the rest of the season. The only period I might be away will be during June, in which most likely I will not be able to race.

So, taken into account that I have missed the last two races, can I still race the Alfa for the next GP?

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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 17:14

Glad to hear from you Ricardo Smile
In that case it would be unfair to take the Alfa away from you, but dont forget to post when you're absent, even for non championship races Wink
Sorry for you Adam. :smil20:

So Mario just pick your car, Ensign or Kauhsen (tough choice :D)
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Ricardo Magno
Club Driver
Ricardo Magno

Number of posts : 137
Age : 47
Location : Frankfurt, Germany
Registration date : 2010-06-19

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 17:46

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Glad to hear from you Ricardo Smile
In that case it would be unfair to take the Alfa away from you, but dont forget to post when you're absent, even for non championship races Wink
Sorry for you Adam. :smil20:

So Mario just pick your car, Ensign or Kauhsen (tough choice :D)

Once again thank you.

That was a doubt I had about those "NC" events in the Calendar. Clear now. Very Happy

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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Registration date : 2008-12-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 19:01

Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
The other cars are worst than the Renault Kimmo. I'm stupid not crazy :D :D :D. And I haven't planned to quit the league as I'm pleased to drive my Surtees (especially those F5000 beasts which reminds me a bit of my beloved BRM in GPL) and my Escort (and I'm waiting for the return of the M1).

The RS11 will be big improvement m8 :top:
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Mario Gassner
Experienced Driver
Mario Gassner

Number of posts : 306
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Location : Principality of Liechtenstein
Registration date : 2008-11-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 19:45

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Glad to hear from you Ricardo Smile
In that case it would be unfair to take the Alfa away from you, but dont forget to post when you're absent, even for non championship races Wink
Sorry for you Adam. :smil20:

So Mario just pick your car, Ensign or Kauhsen (tough choice :D)

Hmm...i think i'll go for the unbelievable incredible ensign Smile nice to have a regular seat.
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 19:51

Guillaume Siebert wrote:

So Mario just pick your car, Ensign or Kauhsen (tough choice :D)

Guillaume tu as oublié de citer l'extraordinaire voiture jaune à boite 6 qui freine pas et tourne pas...non pas la Renault mais l'ATS lol! lol!
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Mario Gassner
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Mario Gassner

Number of posts : 306
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Location : Principality of Liechtenstein
Registration date : 2008-11-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 20:08

Hmm, the ATS is also free. I would than rather the yellow curve rocket than the incredible ensign
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 20:16

As you like but if the ATS is certainly faster than the Ensign N177, its way slower than the N179. Wink
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Mario Gassner
Experienced Driver
Mario Gassner

Number of posts : 306
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Location : Principality of Liechtenstein
Registration date : 2008-11-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 20:34

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
As you like but if the ATS is certainly faster than the Ensign N177, its way slower than the N179. Wink

hmm...is it really that much slower than a N179? than i would go back to the Ensign. Thought the ATS and the N179 are nearly equal.
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 20:36

Steve Parker wrote:
Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
The other cars are worst than the Renault Kimmo. I'm stupid not crazy :D :D :D. And I haven't planned to quit the league as I'm pleased to drive my Surtees (especially those F5000 beasts which reminds me a bit of my beloved BRM in GPL) and my Escort (and I'm waiting for the return of the M1).

The RS11 will be big improvement m8 :top:

Not really Steve. I'm driving as slow as with the RS01 with it. At Jarama I'm driving the RS11 around 1.23-1.24 compaired to 1.24 with the RS01. Don't really see any improvment there.
The problem is not the Renault by itself. Ok it has no braking power, heavy weight and nearly no handling . But it seems to have tremendous power when the turbo wakes up. Given the proper driver able to use this advatage to its best it's surely a good car. Unfortunately for me powerfull cars aren't something I'm good at driving to the limit. I just don't understand how to use the one and only benefit of the car while taking the brunt of its disavantages.
And to make thing worse the tracks the Renault will be the greatest are the ones I'm the most unconfortable with. I trully, deeply hate Dijon (well I should not be there in fact as it's the same day as 24 Hours Le Mans and I could not be behind my wheel at the time), Hockenheim and Monza. Silverstone isn't to one of my favourite. So it leaves me only one track where the car and the driver should be in phase: Zeltweg. By the time we get there I'm afraid my motivation will have long been gone and I won't be able to train as I should do.

Oh lord... speaking of track i've just realized I've to drive that dog at Monaco...hell that's an awaken nightmare approching lol! lol!

Last edited by Ludovic Tiengou on Tue 29 Mar 2011 - 20:40; edited 2 times in total
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 20:38

Nah the N179 is somewhere between the Fittipaldi, Shadow and Arrows A1.
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Mario Gassner
Experienced Driver
Mario Gassner

Number of posts : 306
Age : 42
Location : Principality of Liechtenstein
Registration date : 2008-11-22

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 20:49

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Nah the N179 is somewhere between the Fittipaldi, Shadow and Arrows A1.

ok, than i`ll go for the incredible ensign.
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Kimmo Kononen
Experienced Driver
Kimmo Kononen

Number of posts : 308
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2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011 - 22:14

Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
Steve Parker wrote:
Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
The other cars are worst than the Renault Kimmo. I'm stupid not crazy :D :D :D. And I haven't planned to quit the league as I'm pleased to drive my Surtees (especially those F5000 beasts which reminds me a bit of my beloved BRM in GPL) and my Escort (and I'm waiting for the return of the M1).

The RS11 will be big improvement m8 :top:

Not really Steve. I'm driving as slow as with the RS01 with it. At Jarama I'm driving the RS11 around 1.23-1.24 compaired to 1.24 with the RS01. Don't really see any improvment there.
The problem is not the Renault by itself. Ok it has no braking power, heavy weight and nearly no handling . But it seems to have tremendous power when the turbo wakes up. Given the proper driver able to use this advatage to its best it's surely a good car. Unfortunately for me powerfull cars aren't something I'm good at driving to the limit. I just don't understand how to use the one and only benefit of the car while taking the brunt of its disavantages.
And to make thing worse the tracks the Renault will be the greatest are the ones I'm the most unconfortable with. I trully, deeply hate Dijon (well I should not be there in fact as it's the same day as 24 Hours Le Mans and I could not be behind my wheel at the time), Hockenheim and Monza. Silverstone isn't to one of my favourite. So it leaves me only one track where the car and the driver should be in phase: Zeltweg. By the time we get there I'm afraid my motivation will have long been gone and I won't be able to train as I should do.

Oh lord... speaking of track i've just realized I've to drive that dog at Monaco...hell that's an awaken nightmare approching lol! lol!

Just say when and I will jump online and give you a driveable setup man. I used to be really good with setups, but I have later sort of lost interest in testing on my own. But I still know what to do with a car to make it suit someone. Smile Well, there's very little to do with the RS01, you just have to nurse it for so long as the race is going, but the RS11, is a completely different car, with some ground effect! Not like some other makes, but at least there is some.

In Monaco, you're fked no matter what car you're driving, unless you're really careful, so not much difference there. At Dijon it is pretty good, as there are no hairpins to accelerate out of, which is where the Renault, no matter which version, is more than a handful for us mortals. I am sure Othmane begs to differ, but he isn't from this planet. Monza, who's going to stop you? Don't forget Österreichring, where even I managed to grab a few points. Hell, I suck behind the wheel, but I still took a few points here and there... There are plenty of races left, and by the time you get the RS11/RS12, you might even love the car for what it is. A tank that takes no crap from anyone, treat it badly and it will bite your head clean off. Treat it nice and no other car makes you smile like the Renault. Must be a French thing...
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures    2011 Cars Booking / Réservation des voitures   - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 30 Mar 2011 - 22:18

Thanks for the offer Kimmo :hello: . But I'm not sure the problem came from set up. It's my driving style (if I had one scratch ) and the RS11 which aren't fit together as it seems.
I'm accustomed to big, low braking, six gears car (used to be one of the few to drive against all odd the BRM P83 in GPL). But not to power. There lie the problem. And don't like too powerfull cars and fast tracks. Bad luck the Renault have plenty of the first and is at best on the seconds.
But don't worry. I'll drive far away from points just trying to reach the checkered. Just have to change my forecast in 79 from "scoring at least two points" (well miracle happens...sometimes :D ) to "see at least 80% of checkered" (well I've might have blew up these goal too not finishing the race at Brands Hatch).
You could also help Vincent my teamate who seems to understand and appreciate the Renault far more than me and who could do something of the car
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