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 [rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii

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Eric Plana
Experienced Driver
Eric Plana

Number of posts : 366
Age : 50
Location : Barcelona (Spain)
Registration date : 2010-04-29

[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii Empty
PostSubject: [rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii   [rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii Icon_minitimeTue 7 Dec 2010 - 2:58

Converted from GTL with permisions

[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii 27_WVE35_CPv_Su[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii Diu_Qzeu02s2_H[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii G6ujm_BX5_Z9_C7[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii P60i_Hh_Vk0_WQ0

[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii Rb_Yd_E0_Tt_VOi_N[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii Sf_Ap_Q8_K0_DOfc[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii SZ4_Yu_URpufj_G[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii N_SX53_Ox3n_Dv_P

  • http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=30389
  • http://www.bockbierbude.de

Quote :
BMW 2002 tii v1.01 by Slowmotion & 51!N

This mod is converted from BMW 2002tii Mod by Team CC and friends for GTL. They kindly agreed to this project. Special Thanks for the friendly permission, at our NoS-Meeting 2010, to convert their work to rFactor.

..:: Features ::..

- Full standalone car mod, compatible to all cars and tracks
- Analouge and Digital gauges, modified for rFactor
- Different Wheels, Wings and Parts per Genstring
- Lens Flare Effects (only Dx9, to deactivate read the install instructions)
- Templates included

..:: Install ::..

Unpack archive to /rFactor folder.

If you don't want to use Lens-Flare
Effects, unpack the
'no_Lensflare_Lights.7z' in
into the same directory.

..:: Credits to ::..

- TEAM CC and friends for the original GTL version
- my wife for her patience and understanding
- 6e66o for his CAR_CUBE.dds Cubemap
- Siim Annuk aka Some1 for his Light Flare Tutorial
- Firewire for betatesting and finding some physics bugs
- Pain-less, faderone, HaM, Einstein & Daniel for betatesting
- DucFreak for his great sounds, just the stock GTL sounds had to be exchanged
- Ron Zacapa for very good base physics in the GTL version and for some useful feedback
- ISI for creating rF and the documentation of the engine

..:: History ::..
- V1.0 Initial Release

- V1.01 Update
* fixed errors detaillevel low and med
* added new tiiS Skins by Ralf1973
* small physic adjustments

have fun
Slowmotion & 51!N
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Eric Plana
Experienced Driver
Eric Plana

Number of posts : 366
Age : 50
Location : Barcelona (Spain)
Registration date : 2010-04-29

[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii   [rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii Icon_minitimeThu 13 Jan 2011 - 16:20

Quote :


Slowmotion & 51!N have released a new version of the BMW 2002 tii for rFactor, fixing some small issues with the historical German touring car as listed below.


* fixed suspension
* fixed tire temp
* skin added
* helmet template added

Download BMW 2002tii 1.1 for rFactor Here : http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=30966
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[rF-mod] BMW 2002 tii
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