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 Caterham Cup Pre-Season Race at Silverstone National

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Marek Archipow

Number of posts : 28
Age : 49
Location : Poland
Registration date : 2010-11-22

Caterham Cup Pre-Season Race at Silverstone National Empty
PostSubject: Caterham Cup Pre-Season Race at Silverstone National   Caterham Cup Pre-Season Race at Silverstone National Icon_minitimeMon 22 Nov 2010 - 13:38

We invite all drivers to Caterham Cup Pre-Season Race at Silverstone National circuit.

Caterham Cup Pre-Season Race at Silverstone National Bannerscc

24.11.2010, 21:00 CET

21:00 - Qyalifying - 15 min. (only 1 lap counted)
21:15 - Warm-Up 1 - 5 min.
21:20 - Sprint - 40 km of race distance (15 laps) without pitlane duty
until 22:00 - Warm-Up 2 - reloading the session, joining server, grid ordering
22:00 - Full Race - 80 km of race distance (30 laps) with pitlane duty of changing tyres at least in one set (front or rear)

All details on:

It would be nice to compete with you guys. Please visit our site & servers (24/7 open and free) and test us.
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Caterham Cup Pre-Season Race at Silverstone National
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