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 rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)

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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jun 2010 - 12:17

Je teste la piste dès ce soir. Je donnerais un premier avis demain pour voir ce que cela vaut.
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jun 2010 - 18:37

It seems some changes will be done on next releases.

MotorFX wrote:
hold off from downloading this today, as I have noticed some problem faces that seemed to show up depending on which car mod you use. The last running I did was making screen grabs in the excellent TCL mod by Team TCL with the additional masters release by "RedHawk" and I was more than impressed how good a race it gave Smile which was probably also using different "defcams" views..
I'll repair them today so dont download this version for now.
It will still be classed as a beta release, because to repair some of the bugs I mentioned in the readme will take more time than other commitments allow.. and Rfactor2 will probably be out Smile
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Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jun 2010 - 19:12

The updated version is now available on No-Grip.
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010 - 8:47

Mes premieres impressions sont plutot bonne sur la béta. Bon graphiquement c'est moins joli que la version VLM. Grosso modo c'est la même piste, le tracé moderne en moins. ON pourrait se dire pourquoi grosso modo? tout simplement parce que des tas de petites choses sont différentes:
-la piste est beaucoup moins lisse. La version VLM est tres plate. Ici les devers et la pente sont beaucoup plus marqués...et les sauts aussi. Il était impossible de faire décoller les voitures sur certaines bosses avec la version moderne, la piste ayant été rabotée à pas mal d'endroits. Avec la version 70 cela devient possible. Les devers et les sauts rendent d'ailleurs certains virages totalement differents à l'approche.
-Certains virages n'ont pas tout à fait le même tracé. Par exemple Adenaur Forst est beaucoup plus serré. En régle générale les virages ont une courbure souvent un peu plus prononcée. Pour ne rien arranger les vibreurs facilement escaladables de la version moderne n'existent plus. Ils ont cédés la place à des sortes de petites marches qui vont désequilibrés la voiture...mais pas toujours comme je l'ai constaté.

Toutes ces petites différences font que la piste est vraiment beaucoup plus difficile. On retrouve le Geant Vert très difficile et qui nécessite un sacré doigté. A titre d'exemple j'ai roulé deux heures sur la version 70 hier soir au volant de la Ferrari 512, de la Lola T70 du mod CSGT et avec la Lotus 72F du mod F1 75. Sur la version VLM j'arrivais à boucler sans souci des séries de 6-7 tours avec la 512 lors de la préparation pour les 1000 kms du Ring l'année dernière. Là je n'ai pas pu faire un seul tour chronométré avec le même set. Il aurait besoin d'être un peu modifié pour tenir compte du relief plus marqué et des courbures un peu plus marqué. Avec la Lotus 72F c'est pareil. Impossible de faire deux tours de suite sans me crasher. Il n'y à qu'avec la Lola (et un set issu de la préparation des 1000 kms) que j'ai pu faire un tour chrono sans me vautrer. Ca donne un 8.30.05 (avec, tout de même, 120 litres à bord au départ)

Enfin, coté cosmétique, je trouve l'emplacement des caméras beaucoup plus réussit. Bon certaines sont mal placées et on ne voit que le talus, les haies ou encore les arbres mais globalement elles rendent beaucoup plus justice à ce monument que les caméras de la version VLM.

English version to followed this afternoon.
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010 - 10:03

Ludo, VLM n'a pas fait de version de Nurb :D Tu confonds avec VLN, un championnat allemand qui n'utilise que le Nurb.
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010 - 10:33

c'est pas le team Virtua le Mans qui a fait la version moderne du Ring modifié par HSO? ah oups je croyais autant pour moi
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010 - 11:07

Il y a un mod du championnat VLN que utilise le Nordschleife de COM8

Mod VLN 2005 : http://www.virtualr.net/nlc-vln-2005-10-released/
Track Nordsch COM8: http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Nordschleife%20The%20Ring%202007

Il y a aussi une autre Team qui travaille avec le VLN 2009 : http://www.virtualr.net/?s=VLN&=Search
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010 - 14:20

On what appears to be a beta version I’ve quite good feelings. Ok graphically it’s not as pretty as VLM version. But it’s rather the same track, the modern part short. But you can said “why rather?” Simply because there are slight changes all over the track:
-It’s less smooth. The VLM version was a rather flat on some places. Here the banks and slope are more marked…so are the jumps. It was nearly impossible to make the car flying on specific humps on the modern version, the track being planned on many places. With the 70 version fly is becoming possible. Banks and jumps are making some corners totally different in their approaches.
-Some corners are quite different. For example Adenaur Forst is much twistier. Now the corners have a more accentuated curve. To make things worse, the climbable kerbs the modern version had has been changed. Now kerbs are looking like stair at some place unbalancing dangerously the car….but not always as I’ve noticed.
All that small changes made the tracks quite more difficult. I’ve found the Green Giant back as demanding as ever. For example I’ve driven for two hours on the 70 version yesterday with the Ferrari 512 and the Lola T70 of the CSGT mod and also with the Lotus 72F of the F1 75 mod. On the modern version of the track I was able to do 6-7 laps on a row with the 512 in preparation of the HSO 1000 kms of the Ring last year. On the 70 version I wasn’t able to do a single timed lap with the same set. It needs a bit of improvement to keep into account the more accentuated relief and more accentuated corners. With the Lotus 72F I’ve got the same problem. Can’t do two laps a row without crashing. Only with the Lola could I do it (with a set also done during the preparation of the HSO 1000 kms). It gave me an 8.30.05 (with no less than 120 liters of fuel at start).

Also on a cosmectic side I've find the camera better emplaced than the one of the modern version. Well not everything is perfect as some are pointing to hedges, embankment or trees. But they gave us a better view of that monument of a track during replays.

Well now I've to try the 0.99 version to see

Bon il faut maintenant que j'essaye la version 0.99. Heureusement que mon set pour Laguna Seca est prét et que j'ai pas mal tourné sur la piste...sinon cela aurait la cata :D
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: [rF Track] - Brno 1965 HR textures   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010 - 22:34

Brno 1965 Hi-Res Update. New textures by TenTenths.
Track is a original GPL converted to rF. Original track by Sergio Loro, Richard Cooke, Ginetto and The Brno Team.

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Last edited by Eric Plana on Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 21:05; edited 1 time in total
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Honza Mild
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Honza Mild

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 30 Jun 2010 - 7:19

Cool, i love this track, not because its from my country, just because driving there is fun and hard.
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 30 Jun 2010 - 16:21

A new loading image made by some one....

rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Brno65loading.th
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 30 Jun 2010 - 17:13

I liked the track in GPL so I definitely will try it one of these days !
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: [rF Track] - 1965 IOM; Schotten; Clermont County; Charade; Monthlery   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jul 2010 - 2:46

Isle of Man

Shottenring 1965

Clermont County 1968

Clermont Ferran Charade en Historique je lai pas sur mon HDD.... Crying or Very sad

Un de ces jours je ferai un liste de circuits rF historiques que j'ai compilée, (pas nombreux mais comme même) et si il vous en manque quelqu'un que les loge chez Megaup.

Last edited by Eric Plana on Sat 3 Jul 2010 - 2:56; edited 1 time in total
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jul 2010 - 2:56

Eric Plana wrote:
Clermont Ferran Charade en Historique je lai pas sur mon HDD.... Crying or Very sad
Je cherchez pas le bon année.

Charade 1970

Monthlery 1966
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jul 2010 - 14:54

Super Eric, merci beaucoup bounce
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Stephane Bordignon
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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 4 Jul 2010 - 16:37

Merci pour les circuits, il n'y a plus qu'à rouler dessus...
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 9 Jul 2010 - 21:34

Version 0.99 sur notre FTP :

Vous pourriez en avoir besoin d'ici peu. :hihi: // You may need it soon :hihi:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 9 Jul 2010 - 22:09

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Version 0.99 sur notre FTP :

Vous pourriez en avoir besoin d'ici peu. :hihi: // You may need it soon :hihi:

What could we possibly need that for lol!
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 10 Jul 2010 - 16:06

New v1.00 released.

You can find it on the same Nogrip link on the first post

Quote :
70 NORDSCHLEIFE also called " The Mother"
Location: Eifel - Germany
Track Length: 22.834 km
Initially converted and reworked with the view to an rfactor release for CSGT group mod, but it was put on hold. I had spent many months on this and its still not fully finished, so still classing it as a sort of beta Track. I had some help along the way from team members at CSGT, especially Gunnar333 who also provided some models and extra historical objects, the new paddock. I added a lot of dynamic shadows, if you have low fps running the track, you can cut out the section for these " treeshadows" marked in the scn file.. below the startlights section.
Since starting the work back in xmas of 07 new forest and trees has been planted, in fact lots of planting, a lot of the tree and bush textures were provided by 6e66o. I made lots of other textures, spent hours remapping of materials, other odd models. so after months of hard work and it sitting on my hard drive. I did carry on and do quite a bit more and thought you might like to try it out. Some road areas are made to be felt through the wheel, where road has either broken up or cars have been bottoming out Smile but you should be able to still enjoy the ride !

The AIW included is different from other released versions of this track and dedicated to rfactor and mainly done for use with saloons and CSGT, so it may drive differently using some open wheelers. It has startlights and pit lights, instead of the period flag men, because they can be seen better . the grid is formed based on historical info.

Some small known bugs that may show up?
some areas the trackside cameras may show the spurious poly.flickering with headlights use. so dont recommend watching replays of the late hours and also depending in on the hour of the days sun angles, the odd shadow may appear to flicker in a few areas, depnding on the Cars you are drivng and time of day.

.As this was started for and on behalf of the CSGT mod, when you extract the rar copy the CSGT folder into your locations folder and 70 Nordschleife will be found under CSGT in track selection Installation menu. if you have other tracks from CSGT mod release, it uses the same path to work in rFactor but only overwrites the top CSGT folder..
other early credits...........
- Papyrus for the original track
- Kvako´s conversion for EA´s F1 series
- Anyone else who previously worked
on this famous track
LOD is provided by Gunnar 333
have fun ....

vers 1.00
since releasing earlier versions, I was offered to use some extras by Jan Kohl and Thorsten of THE USPITS from their Nordschleife70 for Nascar2003... while working on it I also heard from Gunnar333 of CSGT, who had also been working towards enhancing and finishing the "the Mother70" this was the folder name we were updating over at CSGT ... he kindly offered me the use of that extra work to use on this version, so I was able to add the historically correct paddock and along with other area changes to some sections, add some extra models, all that remained was the task of creating the AIW file to use this sunken paddock which was not only on the opposite side of the track and so close to the pits, in keeping with accuracy it has a narrow sharp uphill tunnel and
you may find one type of mods car model has some difficulty, but rather than leave it out thinking of the tradtion of CSGT group who like to give you the experience of how it was in this 70s era Smile
this AIW file is exclusive to this track version, it wont work on the other versions I released,

I have mentioned earlier how some mods tested not only have different cameras but behave differently using the one aiw file, so to help I have added some trackconfig.ini files( Aiw learning) so you can drop them in their respective mod folder for CSGT 917s, the GP79 league, and the F171 beta folder... they do give better races with these and I recommend making them for other mods that may not behave as expected Smile

Have fun ..

Ken H
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: [rF Track] - Monza 1970 by motorfX   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 12 Jul 2010 - 11:24

Monza 1970 by motorfx

rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 1R8Gi rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 1Rbar rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 1RdFA
rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 1RiES rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 1Rl90 rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 1RnE9

Quote :
This is 70Monza with two layouts , one the 70Monza10k uses the banking and 70smonza is the gp layout. another in the series that was to be used for the rFactor 1970 mod that I did on behalf of NormHart & theCSGT group, there is quite a few to the series of 70's tracks, Although they were due to span more of a time period, so the naming is mine mainly so as not to clash with other released work, 70sMonza was going to be released for use with the CSGT group's WSC70 rfactor mod, all the tracks were based on former GPL tracks. and the various permission was granted for use on the CSGT mod.. This version as with the earlier gtr2 version is based on the work I initially did for the track pack to be used in rfactor, although this is really a complete rebuild again of that earlier work..
extract to a temp folder and then put the "70stracks" folder into locations
"Pycat" has done some alternative cameras files for this and they should be available as this is released. I have included a couple of track config ini files for use with the CSGT 917s and F171 cars, these need to go in the car's folder where the TBC file is found..

>>> Download at NoGrip

Last edited by Eric Plana on Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 21:07; edited 1 time in total
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: [rF Track] - Reims 1967 TicToc modification.   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jul 2010 - 17:05

conversion of from GPL to rF.

Quote :
Andrew Gameson for the intial GPL release of the circuit.
Bud Lucas for the original rFactor conversion.
Sunalp2 for AIW file updates.
Kuato for grass add and multi maps.
TICTOC all the other stuff.
SlimJim for conversion from
GTL back to rFactor.
Rot Tuefel for rFactor LOD.
Quote :
Reims-Gueux was a triangular motor racing road course
near Reims, France, which hosted 14 French Grands Prix.

Reims-Gueux was first established in 1926 on the public
roads between the small French villages of Thillois and
Gueux. The circuit had two very long straights between
the towns, and teams strove to maximize straight-line
speed of their cars; many slipstream battles ensued.
Race organizers actually felled trees and demolished old
houses in order to make the circuit even quicker. In 1952,
the circuit was significantly altered to bypass the village
of Gueux, and many people now refer to the course as simply

rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 P54M0 rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 P57g9 rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 P59Li
rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 P5cfr rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 P5eKA rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 P5heJ

DownLoad :: http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=28325

Last edited by Eric Plana on Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 21:08; edited 1 time in total
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jul 2010 - 17:12

It was already available for rFactor, we raced on this track earlier this year. Smile
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jul 2010 - 18:46

I know it was available, but this version has some improvements. It's a new version released today and it's a classic track, then I post it on HSO ... Razz
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: [rF Track] - Kyalami 1970 by motorfX   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 29 Jul 2010 - 23:12

1970 Kyalami by motorfx

Quote :
Always one of my favourites in GPL in my early simming days. I felt the earlier releases in the later formats didnt quite capture that same track's appeal .so this is a reworked Kyalami version partly based on the old converted Kyalami79 ..but now its closer to the smooth corners and mesh of the original papyrus track, although the 70 Kyalami layout seemed to be used in the 60's upto the 80's, this is named 70 Kyalami to stop any conflicts with other versions, .. its still got some 70's banners..Thanks go to the project wildfire team for allowing some parts to be used as the pit entrance layout is from their pwf track .see the kyalami pwf readme.. as it made for better racing with larger grids. sort of still bent reality a little with leaving the pitbuilding open again to garage the cars for use in these formats .. added static marshals, filled in the infields. remapped and retextured roads, barriers and grasses, odd signs... it is now a much smoother drive with better looking corners

thanks go to "Gubba" who provided the camera file .who has a nice style of his own,
when it comes to viewing the replays or race from the trackside cameras
To Install
like some of the others in the 70 series.. extract to temp folder then copy "70stracks" folder into your locations , if you already have any of the other 70's tracks you should have this folder and its safe to let it overwrite the top folder..
There is an alternate groove texture you may wish to try . just drop it loose into locations . if you wish to revert back you can safely delete this loose one
Have Fun
Cheers Ken

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Download Links :

- http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=28479

- http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=70Kyalami

Last edited by Eric Plana on Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 21:08; edited 1 time in total
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions)   rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 29 Jul 2010 - 23:57

Too much "BP" billboards for me rFactor Historic tracks (scratch & conversions) - Page 2 Icon_razz
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